Tuesday, 6 September 2016

41 weeks pregnant

41 weeks. Enough said. Henry had arrived by now and honestly, I assumed this one would have too. I'm not really particularly fed up or majorly uncomfortable or anything so it's not all bad, it's just a funny waiting game and I'm stuck between wanting to keep busy, but not wanting to take Henry anywhere on my own that's too far away or anything like that. Oh well, into my last week of pregnancy....potentially ever!

How far along? 41 weeks!

Baby is...just bigger than last week. And Henry was a big baby, so that thought stresses me out a bit. I really would rather not have a 10pounder! 

Weight gain...31 pounds. Seemed to have dropped a pound on last week so even if Simba is piling on the pounds, at least I'm not! 

Stretch marks? Not one, and my Bio Oil is dangerously close to running out too. If I get a stretch mark this week, Simba, there'll be big trouble!! 

Sleep: Bloody amazing considering.
Most nights I get up once for the loo, but there are nights where I don't wake up at all which I can't really get over. I have the bladder of an 80 year old at the best of times, so why it's chosen now to actually behave itself is beyond me?!

Best moment this week? Not going into labour with a cold! I suddenly came down with a really horrible cold when I was 4 days overdue and had a horrible panic that I was going to go into labour feeling really really poorly. Luckily it's mainly cleared up now, as has Henry's and Marmar's, so at least we shouldn't infect Simba when he/she arrives and if we do, my antibodies will definitely help!

Miss anything?  Making plans and being able to do what we fancy. We had such a lovely summer holiday with loads of trips out, but I do suddenly feel wary about going too far away, particularly with Henry, or making plans with friends and then possibly having to let them down at the last minute, even if it would be for a good reason! 

Food cravings: Still nothing exciting. 

Gender: Since this is my last guess on my blog I'm going to say girl...

Labour signs? All kinds of little niggles. A few contractions here and there, period pain, not feeling myself at times. But clearly nothing that's meant anything! I still feel really really well in myself. My wedding rings will fit, no swelling whatsoever, I don't feel too heavy or have any major aches and pains. I'm beginning to wonder whether this is, in fact, a phantom pregnancy?! 

MoodNot bad. People seem to automatically assume I'm miserable and desperate to give birth but I'm honestly not. Give me another week and I could change my tune, but right now I'm absolutely fine.

Appointments: I still can't believe I made it to my 41 week appointment! Blood pressure was nice and low (110/60), urine was clear, baby still head down and she also did a sweep. It was uncomfortable but not painful, and although she was able to do it, she didn't seem to think labour was imminent or anything. So I have another booked for Saturday and then induction all booked in for next week. Eeek!

Looking forward to: Meeting this lazy little baby finally! 

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