Size - he's around 9kg or 20lb already, still tracking the 98th centile line perfectly. He's in size 4 (!!!) nappies and is in that awkward stage where he's between his 3-6m and 6-9m clothes, not fitting well into either!!
Sleep - Oh my god, the sleep. He wakes up ALL the time, rarely going more than 2 hours at a time, often waking up hourly for a feed. He hasn't had one good night all month, genuinely not one night of 3 hour stretches. I'm going to leave it there because it's just thoroughly depressing to even think about how long this might last if he's anything like his brother.
Feeding - He's feeding well, little and often still but I can live with that for the time being. Henry did the same but dropped feeds pretty quickly once he started on solids at 6 months so I'm hoping Archie will do the same.
Routine - I have to wake him up most days at 7:30 because we now need to get Henry to school for 8:45. He tends to then have a short morning nap of about half an hour at 9:30 and then a longer afternoon nap (up to 3 hours depending on where we are and what we're doing) at about 1pm. Evenings still aren't great. He goes down at 6pm fine with Henry but wakes on and off until about 9pm when he finally properly settles. I'm not sure why he doesn't just settle down for the night immediately and have tried everything but nothing is changing it. I've spent the last 2 weeks sitting up in his room for most of the evening trying to settle him back down in the dark so he gets used to it but it hasn't worked even a tiny bit, so part of me thinks it's just an age thing and we may as well have him downstairs with us instead of me being sat on my own all evening in a dark room with 2 snoring boys!! Henry was very similar, a real night owl, but he got to an age where he just happier to settle earlier so I'm hoping Archie will too.
Milestones -
- Archie can now roll from his front to his back and rolls onto his side from his back now too. He's desperate to sit up and constantly tries to sit forward - whether he's lying back on your knee or in his car seat, he just wants to be up! He's so strong on his feet now too and is happiest being held up on them having a little bounce around.
- He still absolutely loves the water; bathtime being his favourite time of the day. I took him swimming for the first time which he loved so I'm hoping to do that once a week from now on.
- He smiles and laughs a lot, he's a really really happy little soul and loves people giving him attention. He'll always reward you with a huge gummy grin if you smile at him or make silly noises or whatever which is just lovely.
- He still coos a lot at people and makes all kinds of strange noises. He tends to have a little growl to himself when he goes to sleep just like his big brother did.
- He can hold things himself and is working on getting them into his mouth himself. He wants to bite constantly, I don't know if he'll get teeth early but Henry was never like this at all. He loves chomping on a finger, his fists or his Sophie la Giraffe that Santa brought him.
- He still hates the car unless he's asleep and often screams for the entire journey. Having said that (touching every piece of wood and crossing everything as I say this), he has been a lot better this week so I'm hoping this is a sign of things to come and he'll continue to improve.
And that's it for now. Like I say, he's just utterly delicious for the most part and although he's only been with us 4 short months, I feel like I've known him forever. My little Albicoccs.
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