Sunday 13 September 2015

A thoroughly lovely 2nd birthday party

Today we celebrated our beautiful boy's second birthday party with his friends and family. He's not actually 2 for another week, but we have a very busy and exciting weekend next weekend, so had to bring his party forward. We debated about where to hold his party and settled on Wheelbirks dairy farm, one of our favourite places to visit. Oh the irony of holding a dairy-free toddler's party at a dairy farm!! 

We had such a gorgeous day which started off with 5 of Henry's toddler friends joining him and his cousins for his party. They played inside and out, saw the cows and had a lovely time whilst the mummies and daddies chatted, ate ice cream and drank coffees. After the children had eaten and had their ice cream, we sang happy birthday and gave our the party bags before Henry's friends left.

We then had a family lunch with a few friends outside in the orchard and the children played. The weather was amazing considering how awful it was yesterday and how unpredictable September weather can be so we were really really lucky. 

We are so lucky to have so many beautiful family and friends to celebrate special times like this with us and Henry was absolutely spoilt rotten. After a LONG nap this afternoon, he spent ages opening his presents and cards and had a lovely evening playing with all of his new toys. What a lucky lucky boy.

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