Wednesday 23 September 2015

Loving Autumn

I really adore autumn. I love the crisp air and bright sunshine during the day and then the darker evenings where we can whack the heating up and snuggle in our PJs. I love picking blackberries and baking, love the muddy walks collecting leaves with an excited little boy. I love that there are muddy puddles and we have a good excuse to wear our wellies and coats on an afternoon. I love getting the wooly jumpers out of the wardrobe and buying new ones for my little one, I love the pumpkin spiced lattes that arrive in Starbucks that literally taste of autumn and the long cosy afternoon naps we can have, snuggled right under the duvet. It's probably my favourite season (I say this about every season when it arrives) and I just love the 4 seasons we have in England. Here are a few photos of us enjoying the arrival of Autumn...

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