How far along? 22 weeks
Baby is...the size of a papaya
Maternity clothes? Meh, I hate how little I have to wear. All of my clothes from last time are summery things and I'm not prepared for the snow that we've had this week at all. I currently have one jumper that fits which certainly isn't ideal in this weather. Once I can live in summer dresses it'll be absolutely fine. Until then though, I'm going to moan!
Stretch marks? No, thank god.
Sleep: Can't complain. Henry's finally sleeping in his bed until around 3am most nights and then coming upstairs to us but I can live with that. We've had months of him waking at 11pm so 3am is a real treat! I'm also napping with him for a couple of hours every afternoon.
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heartbeat at my midwife appointment. Coupled with plenty of lovely strong kicks and I feel a lot more reassured that all is well in there.
Miss anything? Not aching like an 80 year old lady when I stand up. The aches and pains have been really awful this time around.
Food cravings: Salt and vinegar Discos and sherbert. Things to make my tongue properly sting! Still loving anything that's really strongly flavoured.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No! Wahoo!
Labour signs? Still plenty of braxton hicks but luckily nothing more.
Gender: Still no idea!
Symptoms: So achey all the time now. Really awful hip/pelvic pain most of the day, particularly when getting up from a chair or bed. It just feels like someone has kicked me really hard between the legs and I have one hip which is permanently clicky and sore.
Mood: Emotional but happy.
Looking forward to: Daddy finally getting a kick. Every night that we've gone to bed at the same time Simba seems to to all shy and refuses to kick! Other nights I'm awake for ages with massive kicks and rolls.