Apologies for the lack of update in the last few weeks, we've been super busy with Easter holidays and fun days out, moving and building furniture and trying to get a little bit more organised!! We also had our 20 week scan this week and all was well there, it was lovely to see how much our baby had grown since the last scan and it's all getting a bit exciting now we're at the half way point!
How far along? 20 weeks
Baby is...the size of a banana
Maternity clothes? Of course. This week I've been loving a hand-me-down maternity swimming costume from my friend. I started aquanatal and it was so nice wearing a decent costume rather than my plain, ugly one from last time around.
Stretch marks? Not yet, hoping they stay away!
Sleep: Not bad. Henry's sleeping well this week after getting his first ever proper bed and he's had a couple of sleepovers at my mum's too so we've had some decent sleep this week.
Best moment this week: Our scan; seeing our little one again and getting to the half way mark. I've also been feeling movement a lot more in the last 3 or 4 weeks and have felt a few kicks from the outside too. Movement and kicks and my absolutely favourite part of pregnancy.
Miss anything? Nothing
Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week really, I'm trying to be a little healthier now that I don't feel sick anymore and therefore don't need to live on salt and vinegar crisps and rice cakes!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just hunger really which is a massive relief after a hideous first trimester.
Labour signs? Lots of braxton hicks, particularly at night. Not a labour sign as such, but my body getting some practice in for in 20 weeks time!
Gender: No idea. I think girl now, Henry is adamant it's a brother for him though!! It was weird at our scan knowing we could ask the sonographer to look but we didn't ask and she didn't look either so we now have a long 20 week wait before finding out!
Symptoms: Headaches, tiredness and really achey if I've overdone it (which isn't hard with a toddler around!).
Mood: Generally good, really emotional but happy and excited finally!
Looking forward to: this bump getting bigger and daddy being able to feel some kicks too.
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