Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Spain 2016 - Day 4

We had a nice lazy breakfast this morning after a later start, and then went to a park down the road for Henry to have a little play before stopping for coffees and ice creams. We did a quick bit of shopping in the supermarket and the came home and headed straight to the pool. Again, Henry wanted to be in the water the entire time and had to be dragged out after over an hour with blue lips!! The water is absolutely freezing still but he just doesn't seem to notice, or maybe he's just having too much fun to care.
We had lunch up at the house and then we all had a really long siesta, almost 3 hours long today!! We then got ready and went back to Guardarmar Park where Henry went on a few rides at the little fairground they have there. He was so so happy, absolutely in his element in his Paw Patrol van and then later on, in his Peppa Pig car. We had a lovely walk and a cake and coffee stop at the cafe too. We fed the ducks, swans and peacocks again and managed to see a squirrel too which made Henry's day. 

We then headed back into Torrevieja and went to a little Italian on the seafront that we always go to which was lovely. We then had a two year old insisting that he needed an ice cream so we stopped at a little bar in a park on the way home for him to have one before bed and also for a couple of (decaf) coffees for Mummy and Marmar. A really busy day, let's hope we all sleep well! 

Monday, 30 May 2016

Spain 2016 - Day 3

After a little breakfast this morning we drove to Guardamar park for a long walk to feed the peacocks, swans, geese and ducks. It's such a gorgeous shaded park and Henry loves it there. He's talked about it all year since we went last holiday and when we arrived he shouted to a nearby peacock, "Hello Mr Peacock. Nice to see you!" There were loads of tiny ducklings swimming about and eggs everywhere, we even found one next to the path and Henry couldn't have been more thrilled with his discovery.
After a lovely walk we went to a little bar/cafe that we always go to for a proper Spanish breakfast of tomatoey bread, coffee and orange juice. So good. We walked back through the park and Henry went on the slides and swings and then ran through the sprinklers on the way back to the car and was then soaking wet. All good fun.

We made a quick stop at the supermarket and then came home for a quick swim before lunch. No sunbathing for mummy again as Henry wanted to be in the water the entire time! We had jacket potatoes for lunch and then had a long sleep.

We went back to the pool for a few hours after our sleep and had a snack up there which was lovely. Henry played in the small pool so we could sit on the edge and just watch him and he absolutely loved it. It was 6:30pm by the time we dragged him out and his lips were getting blue. He absolutely insisted he wasn't cold but he obviously was so we all went home and he had a nice warm bath before we got ready to go out for dinner.

We went along to La Mata beach for tea and found a lovely Indian restaurant which was absolutely packed, always a good sign. We had a delicious dinner and ice cream and then had a little walk along the shore afterwards before coming home, watching the swallows out on the terrace and then playing dinosaurs before bed.

Spain 2016 - Day 2

We were up nice and early so headed straight to the market for a little wander and shop. Henry got himself a few toys and we got some tasty food etc too. We stopped for a delicious breakfast of bread and tomato with coffees and juices  and then had some churros and hot chocolate too, Henry was definitely a big fan and he loved watching the ladies make it too. We picked up a fresh spit-roasted chicken with potatoes to take home for our lunch and then headed home to the pool.

Henry absolutely loves the water and just wanted to be in the pool constantly. Not so great for my tan but it's amazing what a few days in the pool has done for his confidence. We then went in for lunch and our daily siesta too, a proper treat.

When we woke up we went back to the beach to the beach bar and for a walk along the shore and had another few gorgeous hours enjoying the sunshine there. We had ice lollies, built sand castles and played before coming home to get ready for dinner.

Every year we go to Rancho Blanco, a restaurant in the middle of nowhere, for our dinner. We've been going there since I was Henry's age and it's one of my favourite places. Henry was so well behaved and ate loads. We ordered him an adult's portion of merluza for his tea and the waiter said it was much too big but we just ordered it anyway (there was no children's menu and we know how much he eats so weren't keen on sharing ours either!!). Of course he ate the entire plate of fish and still had room for pudding afterwards. He's eaten so well so far and loves all of the Spanish treats we've been having. I had a fillet steak which was amazing and after we were all finished we went and played in the little play park for a while afterwards.

We drove home by the salt flats, Henry  telling us that that's where allosaurus lived 'back in time', and then came home to bed. He's so funny with his dinosaurs, it's all he talks about at the moment. He's making up little role plays with dinosaurs, telling us dinosaur facts and watching dinosaur programmes on the iPad. He's really been making us laugh. 

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Spain 2016 - Day 1

We were up early after arriving late last night. Henry was amazing on the plane and was so excited to arrive at his 'holiday house' that he's been talking about for weeks now! We unpacked and got ready and then went straight to Carrefour where we had breakfast and did a huge food shop to last us the week.
We then came home and took a snack up to the pool in the hope of having an hour's sunbathing time. No such luck; Henry was straight in the pool and the only thing that tempted him out was a Kinder egg, and even then he was straight back in afterwards. Not so relaxing for mummy but he's getting so much more confident in the water and he absolutely loved throwing himself in from the sides and swimming up and down. 
We had a lovely lunch on the terrace before a long siesta in bed. A proper Spanish treat. 
As soon as we got up we got ready to head to the beach. We sat in a little beach club on the sand, ate ice creams, had drinks and enjoyed a couple of hours of sunshine whilst Henry played on the beach. He's absolutely in his element digging in the sand, collecting shells and paddling in the water and we had a lovely few hours before coming home for bath and shower time.
We got ready for dinner (Henry thought it was very odd to be having a bath and not going straight to bed after it) and went to a little Italian just down the road from the apartment. I had a Spanish tuna salad, one of my favourite things to eat in Spain, and a huge bowl of pasta. Henry demolished  his pasta and lots of olives too and after we'd all finished we brought a very tired boy home for stories in his pyjamas on the terrace. There were loads of swallows darting around the sky and he loved watching them as the sun was setting.
Off to bed now for a nice early night. We're off to the market bright and early in the morning.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

26 weeks pregnant

How far along? 26weeks 

Baby is...the size of a lettuce 

Stretch marks?  Not yet and the bump has had a major growth spurt this week so that's good news.

Sleep: pretty decent but I'm exhausted. Really really tired this week.

Best moment this week: Turning 29 and knowing that the last year of my twenties will be an exciting one! That and receiving a maternity spa package from my mum that I absolutely cannot wait for!

Miss anything? Not aching. I'm ridiculously sore, sometimes to the point of tears by the end of the day. It's not so much my hips as my pelvis and back, totally agony. I'm currently writing this from a warm bath which I'm hoping will help with tonight's aches and pains. 

Food cravings: Anything juicy and I've been eating lots of Mars Ice Creams since Mr B bought a box for the freezer! 

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nothing 

Gender: I think boy now, I can't imagine having a little girl and often find myself referring to Henry and his sibling as 'the boys'. It's such a lovely surprise, I really can't wait to find out. 

Symptoms: Super tired and full of aches and pains. Roll on maternity leave and daily naps! 

Mood: Emotional and pretty grumpy at times. Nesting instinct seems to be kicking in and I need my children's rooms sorting and I need them doing NOW. Hopefully Mr B will get the majority of the DIY done next week whilst I'm away so I can just do all the finishing touches once I'm back. 

Looking forward to: our holiday, only 2 days to go!! 

A comparison of bumps at 22, 25 and 26 weeks 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Henry at 2 and a half

This blog post is now 2 whole months late, but 2 and a half sounds better than 2 and 2 thirds so I'm going to have to just go with it. Here's a little update on my beautiful big boy...

Weight: Henry now weighs 30lb and he's 93cm tall. Pretty much 50th centile for both so bang on average still. His feet are a size 7 and growing rapidly, just like they did last summer! He costs me a fortune in sandals, jelly shoes and converse this boy! 

Routine: Henry wakes around 7am and goes to bed about 8pm. He still very much needs his afternoon sleep but can just about cope without it on days when we don't manage one or we're super busy. He'll be really grumpy by 6pm but an early bath and bed soon sorts him out. His naps are generally a couple of hours, sometimes a little longer or shorter depending on where we are. Now that I'm pregnant (and therefore totally exhausted) I've been sleeping at the same time as him most afternoons so it's definitely a blessing that he's still happy to nap. I say happy, but every day he tells me he doesn't like his sleeps, then promptly falls asleep seconds later!

Food: He's still an amazing little eater; he eats like a horse and will pretty much eat anything. We've always been pretty strict with food in so much as we always eat the same thing together every night, I've never made him his own separate dinner and he knows if he doesn't eat what he gets, there isn't another option. And for a hungry horse like Henry that's enough to ensure he'll eat whatever's put in front of him! Of course he has his favourites, he tells us every single day that he doesn't want cereal, he wants toast, but then eats every spoonful of the cereal that's given to him. He'd choose berries over any other food and absolutely loves beef, sausages or anything meaty! He's started to enjoy his veggies more recently thanks to the herbivore dinosaurs like brachiosaurus and diplodocus who he loves....apparently if they eat broccoli (or trees) then it's good enough for him too!! Sugar snaps have been named dinosaur peas which makes them a total hit and he even had his first ever fillet steak last week which apparently made him like T Rex. Boys! He adores the butcher in the farm shop who is absolutely lovely to him and enjoys his weekly chat with him, telling him that mummy needs 'mince beef and sausages please' before regaling the poor man with his knowledge of 'pigs make sausages, cows make beef etc etc'. He's definitely a littla foodie. The other thing he loves is to cook. On the days where he can't really help me, he stands on a chair in the kitchen at the hob with a pan of cold water making 'soup' - an interesting concoction of bread crusts and vegetable peelings which he's cut into small pieces. Very appetising. He also makes bread with his Marmar most days and is always so proud of his finished loaf, declaring it 'absolutely perfect' as it comes out.

Sleep: His sleep isn't too bad really. He is now in a proper single bed and will usually sleep in his room until around 3am before coming up to our bed. I usually sleep with him in the spare room at that point so that we can all get a few more hours before getting up! Daddy's snoring mixed with a toddler literally lying with his feet in my mouth and fingers in my ears isn't all that conducive to good sleep I can tell you. 

Sizes: He is in a range of clothes now from 18-24 month things to age 3-4 things. There is a massive variation in the shops and he still fits in a lot of his old stuff which is great. He's out of nappies but in pull ups at night and they're size 5.

Milestones/other random things 

Back in September I wrote that I was really concerned by his lack of speech but within weeks, literally weeks, he was forming full sentences and chatting away. I'm constantly amazed by what he can say and words that he's remembered, we have whole conversations now and he forms proper full sentences. He still gets me/I/my and us/we mixed up, but apart from that makes pretty good sense. He says the most gorgeous things, there's something every day that makes us smile or laugh. A couple of days ago he said to me "Come and see my girl" referring to my old gran who was sitting in the lounge. He absolutely adores 'his friend Rose' and their relationship is so so lovely, especially when her dementia means that her other relationships are very different to how they were in the past. The fact that Henry calls her 'his girl' is just gorgeous. Yesterday morning it was pouring with rain and he was most concerned by the fields of lambs and mummy sheep so shouted to them, "Don't worry sheep, farmer coming soon to take you to the barn. Can have some hay there. Farmer just finishing his tea, don't worry" before telling me that the farmer would take his favourite horse Harry an umbrella down to his field to keep him dry! 

• Speaking of horses and umbrellas, his imagination is utterly amazing. He is constantly role playing and no object is as it seems. His piggy bank is a pizza oven, the coins inside are pizzas, a piece of semi circular rainbow puzzle is his petrol pump  (the green piece, because mummy gets green petrol from the garage!), a roll of wrapping paper is obviously a sword and his box of plastic eggs are clearly dinosaur eggs which need protecting from the vicious didelphodons who like to eat dinosaur eggs. Poor George the dog gets to the play the part of the didelphodon!! We have 'picnic adventures' every night and play airports pretty much every day. He amazes me at the things he comes out with and it's been so so lovely to see his imagination really come out over the last few months. Unfortunately, being a typical little boy, everything is also a gun. A wooden block, a tv remote and even a chicken wing have been used as pretend guns in the last few weeks.

• He now has a full set of teeth! Woo hoo! Now for about a year off from teething before baby number two starts. Fantastic.

• He loves to read and knows so many of his books off my heart now so he actually ends up reading to me at bedtime. Probably my favourite time of the day. 

• He's now eating all milk and egg, raw, uncooked, the lot. So bloody glad to see the back of those allergies!!

• He is still beyond laid back and really really easy. I could count any proper tantrums he's had on one hand and he really hates us being upset with him. If we tell him off or tell him he's made us sad, he immediately starts to cry and says he's sorry. He's super polite and people comment on it all the time, he always always says please and thank you and even went through a phase of saying 'thank you sir' to everyone...we later discovered it was because that's what everyone says to the Fat Controller in Thomas the Tank!

• He's still a proper farm boy, never happier than when he's knee deep in mud and surrounded by animals! He loves going to any farm and tells us that his favourite animals are 'big horses'! He loves being outside, whether it's in the garden pottering around hunting for snails or out with his scooter. He still loves Toy Story but his other favourite films are Ratatouille and Up. We watch Andy and his Dinosaur Adventures ALL the time and he still loves Peppa Pig too. Dinosaurs are suddenly a big hit in our house and the facts that he's picked up already are astonishing. Just yesterday we were playing dinosaurs on the floor, me crawling round after him, him roaring in my face (fun times when you're 6 months pregnant) and he told me I was a diplodocus and he was T Rex. I told him I was coming to eat him up and he laughed and said "Don't be silly mummy, diplodocus only eats plants, not little boys!" He thinks the fact that I can't tell my allosaurus from my T Rex absolutely hilarious too....I really ought to pay more attention to Andy next time he's on tv! 

• Henry absolutely adores babies. All babies. At playgroups or soft play when the other children are running off exploring, Henry will be sat next to a car seat tickling the feet of a little baby. He shoved his head into a random pram a few weeks back and shouted 'ahhh it's my sister!' and he has a real thing for our friend's little girl 'Baby Martha'. He can't wait to be a big brother and has nicknamed this baby 'Simba'. We've suggested names to him but he is adamant that we'll be calling him or her Simba....I have a feeling it's a nickname that's going to stick!! He talks to my tummy, feels for kicks and tells Simba about all of his toys that he wants to share. I'm under no illusions that having two will be easy and I'm sure he might be really jealous, but I have no doubts at all that he's going to adore 'his' baby more than anything.

• He can count to 15 really well and counts objects really reliably and accurately now. He can recognise a few numbers (generally the ones we see in lifts that I tell him to press!) and spends his days counting random things! I definitely think he's going to be a numbers boy when he gets to school. He knows all of his colours now too and recognises circles, squares and triangles in books and on objects etc. 

• We potty trained him on Boxing Day so he was 27 months and he did so well. Within a week he was totally dry at home and he's only had 2 or 3 accidents at home since then. Being out and about was a little bit harder in terms of accidents so he's generally been wearing pull ups for when we're out for long periods of time, just in case. He's pretty much there now, accidents are few and far between and he's dry most nights too, probably 6 nights out of 7. The end is definitely in sight.

That's about it for this update I think, I just can't believe how big he's getting every day. We are so beyond proud of him and what a beautiful, kind little boy he's turning into and the amount of laughter and happiness that he's brought to our lives is beyond measure. I never once doubted that I'd love him before he was born but I honestly never ever anticipated these feelings that I have for him. 

We love you so so much little Pigwidgeon, now if you could stop growing up so quickly that'd be great!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

25 weeks pregnant

I'm absolutely terrible at updating this blog weekly....pregnancy is definitely different this time now that I have a toddler in tow. Here's my 25 week update anyway, better late than never!!

How far along? 25 weeks 

Baby is...the size of a cauliflower 

Weight gain? Ugh yes, weighed myself and I'm about a stone and a half heavier than pre-pregnancy. 

Stretch marks?  Not yet, bio oil is still working its magic

Sleep: Pretty good, I'm not waking up for hours during the night like I was a few weeks back so that's a bonus.

Best moment this week: All the kicks Daddy and Henry have had. Henry's little eyes light up when he feels something and he grins up at me. Also reaching 24 weeks is a big milestone, so called 'viability' and a baby that has a decent chance of survival if born now. Let's hope he/she waits another 15 weeks though! 

Miss anything? Now that we've had some warmer weather I've definitely fancied a cold glass of wine or two in the garden on an evening. 

Food cravings: Strawberries, Discos crisps and sherbet 

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nothing really.

Labour signs? Still lots of braxton hicks 

Gender: Not a clue, but we finally have a definite name for a boy and a girl which is lovely, it's nice to be able to imagine what we'll call our baby when they're here.

Symptoms: Really sore hips and pelvis most days, some worse than others. But other than that, nothing!!

Mood: Pretty good

Looking forward to: a week in Spain in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to getting a bit of a tan and giving my baby belly some sunshine too.