Monday, 19 December 2016

3 month update

3 whole months. No longer a newborn. It's crazy how quickly the weeks fly by, especially because we've been so busy in the run up to Christmas. I adore him, wouldn't change him for the world but to be totally honest, he's been pretty difficult his month. He's suddenly stopped sleeping and is really quite unsettled a lot of the time. He only ever wants me, no one else, and I'm finding balancing that with the needs of a toddler really hard and rarely feel like I've got my shit together, as they say (sorry for the swearing, mum)!  I'm sure this was how I was supposed to be feeling a couple of months ago, but somehow the newborn days seem a total breeze compared with month 3! It's not all doom and gloom, we've had some gorgeous days together and like I say, I absolutely adore the bones off him. We'll get there. 

: I haven't had Archie weighed officially, mainly because it's very clear to see that he isn't having any problems putting on weight! Using our scales at home he's around 18lb at 14 weeks old, tracking the 98th centile line perfectly. He's absolutely huge, gloriously chunky and I have no worries about his feeding.

Feeding: He feeds well. Often in the day still, and unfortunately for me, often at night too now. He's still exclusively breastfed and always straight from the source, I don't have time in my life for expressing and sterilising bottles etc for now so we've given up on that daily ritual for the time being. 

Sleep: Sleep this month has been really really awful. He's gone from sleeping 7 hours at night to doing no more than 2 at a time. He is genuinely sleeping worse now than he was at a week old and I'm just exhausted. Henry slept this badly, but I napped twice a day, most days, with him. The joy of a second baby is not being able to nap because of the toddler. Last night we were awake 7 times. I'm not even going to write any more about the lack of sleep because honestly, it's just thoroughly depressing and the less said, the better. 

Milestones: Archie first laughed just after my last update at 10 weeks. He will usually give us a laugh if we tickle him under his arms or on his thighs or if someone makes silly noises.
He constantly sucks his hands or anything that's close to his mouth, something that Henry never really did. He has a dummy, which I'm still horrified about (I absolutely bloody hate dummies), but I'm limiting it to sleep times and in the car, and to be honest, I haven't seen a huge improvement since starting to use it so I'm not sure whether to stick with it. He absolutely hates the car with a passion, screaming blue murder for the entire journey if he's awake. He will only ever fall asleep if he's really really ready for his nap, and even then he has a little 5 minute scream first. I'm talking real screaming, not normal crying. I hate it, I'm finding it so stressful and find myself turning down meet ups with friends because I just can't take the screaming on the journey. I'm so anxious about going anywhere a long way away and unless it's nap time, we just don't really go anywhere longer than 10 minutes away. I was hoping the dummy would help but it brings its own problem of not being able to put the dummy back in his mouth while I'm driving. Ughhhh

He's 'talking' loads now, making real loud noises to communicate with us, cooing and obviously enjoying being able to hear his own little voice. I absolutely love it.

I've made him sound like a really miserable baby but he's actually really smiley a lot of the time. You can always guarantee a smile for a photograph and he smiles at most people when they talk to him. He has such a beautiful little smile that terrible nights, car screaming and general difficult days are totally forgotten in an instant when his whole face lights up in a smile at his mama.

And that's it. I'm hoping the next month might be a bit easier for us but month 4 is notoriously difficult with the infamous '4 month sleep regression' being a really common thing for babies of this age. I'm so so excited for Christmas this year with both boys though and I really will try hard to update my blog some more along the way.  Here's my beautiful smiling 3 month old... 

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