10 whole months. Archie is turning into the most placid, happy boy. He's such a happy soul and he's just at such a lovely age where we're beginning to see his personality coming through. He's so easy - plays by himself, eats anything, doesn't rely on breastfeeds, goes with the flow, naps well in his cot. But he doesn't sleep at night and he is an absolute destroyer with a bit of a death wish at the moment! He's constantly trying to climb out of things, almost drowns in the bath on a daily basis resulting in us only letting him in the water for about 35 seconds each day, empties boxes, makes mess....he's definitely a handful in that respect!! His big brother still utterly adores him, even when he's pulling at his hair, trying to steal his food or playing with his toys. It's like we've had him forever, we just can't imagine life without him.
Sizes: He's wearing mainly 9-12m things now but some 12-18 things fit too so it's a bit of a mixture. He has a gorgeous summer wardrobe but the weather has been so awful I've found it really hard to dress him, as most of his warmer things are too big still. He's in 5+ nappies and we haven't been to have his little feet measured yet, but I'm sure it won't be long.
Feeding: He's an absolute dream to feed. He'll eat literally anything you give him, he has such a good, healthy diet and he's dropped most of his daily milk feeds now so we're down to morning, night and an occasional one or two in the day depending on his mood (he's teething this week so has wanted a bit more than he has done for the past couple of weeks). If I'm not around, he doesn't need a milk feed at all and is just happy with water from his sippy cup. He does still feed during the night but I'm considering night weaning him once he turns one, or possibly weaning completely. I always said I wanted to get to him being one so I could skip formua and go straight to cows' milk, but now it's approaching I'm not sure what to do. I do think it'll be relatively easy to stop feeding him, because he's nowhere near as attached to me and to his milk feeds as Henry was at the same age. But at the same time, I'm never away from him for long, have nowhere I need to be overnight or anything coming up, so maybe I'll just do the easier thing and continue to feed him for a bit longer like I did with Henry. It's definitely on my mind and I'm starting to consider how and when to introduce cows' milk to him too.
Routine: He usually has two naps a day, but manages with just one occasionally too. He tends to go to bed around 6:30pm at the same time as Henry and wakes around 7am on a morning.
Sleep: He's a really good napper and naps happily in his cot, car seat or pushchair, depending on where we are that day and what we're doing. Night sleep still isn't good but possibly improved on last month. He goes down easily, usually half awake and aware that he's being put down, but that hasn't stopped the waking up during he night. He's an absolute nightmare but cosleeping for some of the night is saving us and so is knowing that it won't last forever.
- He now has 7 teeth, a new bottom one arriving today.
- He can wave hello and goodbye, as well as clap, and he wiggles his fingers for 'twinkle twinkle little star'. So so cute.
- He can crawl forwards finally and he's pretty speedy too. I take my eye off him for 10 seconds and he's usually off towards the dog's bowl or his big brother's bedroom!
- He can stand for a few seconds on his own and can cruise around the furniture now too. He's constantly pulling himself up to stand and can't wait to get walking himself!
- He's 'talking' a lot more. He can now say mama, dada, dog, more and no. He's making all kinds of other sounds but they're the only ones that are definite words he uses.
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