Wednesday, 13 September 2017


One. A whole year. 12 months. 365 days. Not a huge amount of sleep. Tears. Smiles. So so much love. 
I honestly can't believe I have a 1 year old, it seems like only yesterday that I was lying in that hospital bed overwhelmed with love for my tiny newborn baby boy. Yet, having said that, I feel like I've known him my whole life. I just don't remember what our life was like before him.

He's the happiest, easiest baby for the most part. He's almost walking, but not quite, and a total chatterbox too. He's the apple of his big brother's eye and the feeling is mutual, I'd say. Here's his 12 month update.

Weight: Archie now weighs 11.5kg, meaning he's pretty much down to the 91st centile line. Still a chunky monkey, but not quite as chunky as he once was! 

Sizes: Archie is generally now wearing his 12-18m clothes and is in size 5 nappies. He recently got his first little shoes and he's a size 4G. 

Feeding: Archie is still breastfeeding morning and evening and also through the night. He's really not particularly attached to his milk feeds and will easily go to sleep without them if we need him to, which is great. He's happy not to have a feed during the day and rarely 'asks' to be fed, it usually has to be offered to him. He's eating solid food like a total pro now; he'll eat anything and everything. He tends to just eat exactly what we're eating for each meal and we haven't actually found anything yet that he doesn't like. He's so so easy to feed like his big brother. His favourites are little veggie stick crisps, broccoli, strawberries and tomatoey pasta.

Routine and sleep: He's still usually having two sleeps a day, but can manage fine with one if it's around lunchtime. He tends to have a short morning nap about 10am and then a longer nap just after lunch. He goes to bed around 6:30pm with Henry and wakes up anywhere between 6-7am each morning. He is still a terrible sleeper overnight, made worse by the fact that he's currently teething and cut 3 molars in the space of a week! I'm really hoping once his teeth settle down a bit he might improve.

  • He now has 10 teeth with another couple on their way through 
  • He can stand up unaided now and cruises the furniture easily. He can walk holding a hand but still goes down to crawl rather than try to take a step when we leave go of him.
  • He is talking so much, copying so many words we say to him and clearly saying over 20 words so far. He can say mama, dada, brother, Marmar, Parpar, dog, George, Peppa, yes, no, more, up, bad boy (!!), cuddle, row (as in row row row your boat), round (as in the wheels on the bus), banana, cat, duck, keys, night, hiya, hello and bye. He also says 'nee naw' for a fire engine and knows that a sheep says 'baa' and a lion says 'raaaah!' He's a real chatterbox! 
I think that's all there is to report on our little one year old; here's to the next 12 months! 

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