Friday, 14 August 2015

Our Portuguese Adventure - Day 8

We went to the local supermarket first thing this morning to stock up on a few bits and once we were home and had unpacked, we headed off for a long walk. It's been a gorgeous day here today, bright blue skies and no wind until this evening so it was a particularly hot walk!! We stopped for our usual coffee and pastry and the waitress even remembered our order today, we're that predictable!! Henry woke up just as we got home so we went straight down to the pool for a few hours. Henry loved being in the water and playing with the other children on the slides. There are two little English boys in particular that he keeps going up to and cuddling, he's so funny. There was a Portuguese girl there today and he was desperate for her to chase him, so kept running up to her, tickling her and running away! When she was at the top of the climbing frame with her friends he kept shouting "Down!" at her so she'd play with him.

We went in for lunch about 1:30 and made a lovely tuna salad before going back out to enjoy the sun for a bit longer before nap time. We all had a really long, late sleep today which was lovely. Afterwards, we woke up slowly and were really lazy for an hour so just watched Toy Story with Henry and snuggled (wine, beer and juice were opened and a few Oreos helped us to wake up too!!)

After getting ready we went to a little bar for dinner. We went there on our first night and Mr B had some amazing sea bream so he wanted to go back. Tonight he had sea bass and apparently it was even better. I had tomatoey spaghetti so Henry could have some of that as well as the fish. Although I'm now having dairy, most of my meals seem to be 'Henry friendly' anyway, so no nice cheese or creamy sauces for me!! 

It has been pretty chilly tonight in the wind so we went to warm up inside the cafe where we go for Henry's sorbet. He had his usual raspberry sorbet, I had the most divine waffle with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce and Mr B had a Nutella crepe with nut ice cream. Serious calories but so so good. Henry charmed the waitresses and one of them gave him a toy car which he was so pleased with!! It made us laugh because when she brought over his sorbet we told him to say thank you but he responded with "Down there!" and pointed in front of him where he wanted his sorbet putting. We obviously need to work on manners!!

We had a final drink in a bar near home and Henry had a little dance in the middle of the restaurant because he realised it got him plenty of attention!! Little hoot patoot. We then came home and got Henry to bed before having a few games of cards before bed. Another beautiful and relaxing day with my two boys.

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