Friday, 23 October 2015

Life lately

My blog has been well and truly neglected recently, I will definitely try and do daily half term updates this week because we have so many lovely things planned and they're always lovely to look back on. 

Life has been totally normal, totally settled, even 'boring' if you like, but it's so so perfect. We are happy and settled, life is so so easy with Henry now. He's such a good boy, we love our afternoons together and our weekends with daddy. 

He's chatting non-stop now. He can say most things we ask him to and he's constantly finishing our sentences. He's totally Toy-Story obsessed and loves nothing more than being outdoors; at a farm preferably. He's just so gorgeous, I know he's mine and I'm biased but he's such a pleasure to be around and I just love being his mummy so much.

So that's it, a short update to say we're still here and all is good, and I promise to be a better blogger in the next few weeks...

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