Wednesday 6 January 2016

Big news!! I'm pregnant!!

"Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or hatch" - EB White, Charlotte's Web

That's right, I'm pregnant! I've been desperate to blog all about the last few weeks, and I actually have weekly posts all ready to publish. Writing them was therapeutic in itself, even if I could only click save and not publish! We found out on Christmas Eve, a really lovely and special day to find out such lovely news, the best Christmas present I ever received. We'd decided to take the laid back approach this time around, we were in no rush, we were happy to wait a good few months if things didn't happen straight away, we were more than happy as a little family of 3 and decided anytime after 1st September 2016 would be perfect. Anytime. No rush. We obviously therefore have a due date of 31st August 2016! According to my dates though, of which I'm 99% sure, I'm actually due a week later but I'm happy to jump straight to week 13 today and worry about that later! We are incredibly lucky not to have had to wait and September is perfect for my maternity leave; I'll be able to leave at 33 weeks but be paid right up until 40 weeks before officially starting my leave. Another September baby (hopefully). Another beautiful baby boy or girl to love. We are so so lucky. 
It hasn't been plain sailing. I've had a hideous first trimester with sickness which has totally floored me and tiredness like I've never ever felt before. But that's for another post on another day. Today is for celebrating this new little life. Our baby 'Simba' is on his/her way! 

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