Thursday, 25 February 2016

4 weeks pregnant

I still can't believe I'm pregnant, it was much much quicker than we expected but lovely all the same to have another September baby. The thing I most regret about my blog is not starting it earlier with Henry, I wish I could have documented some of my pregnancy and the very early days and I'm so happy that I can do that this time around. I'm hoping to do weekly updates on my pregnancy with bump pictures once that starts growing in a few weeks too. Here goes, my very first update...

How far along? 4 weeks ish, I'm sure my dates will change slightly at my first scan like they did last time. But for now, baby is due on the 6th September 2016.

Baby is...the size of a poppy seed

Total weight gain: 0lb, I got weighed today (a brave move considering it's been Christmas and I have eaten a LOT of cheese!). Any weight gain will be measured from today.

Maternity clothes?  Not yet thankfully, but I have been raking around under the bed in my old maternity clothes to see what I have and will need. I'm about a stone and a half lighter this time around so a lot of my things will be way too big, a good excuse for an asos haul!!

Stretch marks?  No and I'm hoping to keep it that way. I didn't get any with Henry and really hope I don't this time. I'm going to buy a huge bottle of Bio Oil this week and a Lush therapy massage bar too as that's what worked last time.

Sleep: Okay, not getting as much as I'd like because of Henry, my little sleep stealer, but I'm not overly tired.

Best moment this week: telling a few family and friends our exciting news.

Miss anything?  Goats cheese and prosecco. No alcohol on Christmas Day was bad enough without having to avoid the Goats cheese on the cheese plate! 

Food cravings: Not really, I'm just starving the minute I wake up and have got to eat immediately.

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Runny eggs, bleughhhh! 

Gender: I have no idea, we had a few random signs on Christmas Day that it was going to be a girl but honestly, I have no clue! 

Labour signs: Way too early thankfully. 

Symptoms: apart from the crazy morning hunger, not a lot.

Mood: generally happy and super excited 

Looking forward to: Calling the doctors next week to make a midwife appointment!

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