Tuesday 5 January 2016

Potty training - done (ish)

My aim for the week after Christmas was to get Henry potty trained. I knew I was home all week, he had lots of new toys to play with from Christmas and the plan was to not leave the house all week. Well that lasted 2 days, we went stir crazy and had to go out, but all in all, the potty training has gone so well. He's now totally dry at home, I can't remember the last time he had an accident, almost a week ago I think. We aren't great out of the house yet but that's mainly because I have had no idea what to actually do!! He's been wearing a pull up until now but from tomorrow I think I'm just going to take his potty with me for a few weeks so he gets used to going when we're out and about too. 
The first day or two were totally disastrous, I was convinced the whole 'they aren't ready yet' thing was true and he had to be older before he'd get it. But after some hard work, a lot of 'wee watching' from me and Mr B, lifting him on the potty every half hour or so, plenty of stickers on his reward chart and a few chocolate treats, he got it. Within 3 or 4 days he was walking to he potty himself, telling us when he needed to go and doing so well. When he does a wee or a poo he stands up, claps his hands and shouts 'Yeah! Mummy happy'. He is such a star; all he wants is to make us happy.
I've been genuinely surprised at how easy the whole thing has been, I was really expecting a total battle and minus the first couple of days, it really hasn't been hard at all. 
This post is mainly for me to read a few years down the line with baby number 2 when I'm wondering how old Henry was when he was potty trained and how long it took. It's funny how quickly you forget this kind of thing. But for anyone else reading that's considering potty training, it really not all that bad, he is 27 months, didn't really show huge signs that he was 'ready' and really it just took a week of determination, hard work, lots of wiping carpets, cleaning potties and cheering every time the potty was filled. You will probably be weed on a lot and there will be poo everywhere too, but honestly that's only for a few days! Oh the joys of raising a toddler. 

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