Tuesday, 22 March 2016

17 weeks pregnant

How far along? 17 weeks 

Baby is...the size of a large onion

Maternity clothes? I had a mini meltdown at the Metro Centre at the weekend whilst shopping for maternity wear. Whilst 3 or 4 shops stocked it, all of the stuff was just totally gross or really really dull (and expensive). Butterfly print is everywhere...apparently pregnant women like to channel their inner 14 year olds or something?! Anyway, I managed to buy a normal top from H&M that fits well and later in the week did a massive ASOS order and although most of it is going back, there were two decent dresses which I'm keeping. 

Stretch marks?  No, Bio Oil and my Lush massage bar are still getting me through! 

Sleep: Pretty good, I'm napping with Henry 3 or 4 days a week which is definitely helping the extreme tiredness 

Best moment this week: Sending Mr B a text half way through the week saying 'Just realised, for the first time since December, I don't actually feel sick!'

Miss anything?  Not really

Food cravings: Curry and strong flavours are all I fancy.

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Not really, just hunger now. My sickness is finally getting better. I still have sicky hours here and there but generally it's sooo much better than even last week.

Gender: I honestly don't know and I'm beyond excited for the surprise in 23 weeks time. I've got my eye on a gorgeous soft white neutral babygrow from The Whire Company which seems ridiculously expensive for one babygrow but it's so beautiful and you only get one 'first outfit' after all! I may have to treat Simba after pay day. 

Symptoms: Headaches every single day are a massive pain, still super tired 

Mood: Pretty good but super emotional; I'm crying over everything and anything this week! 

Looking forward to: our scan in less than 3 weeks time!!!

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