Wednesday 1 June 2016

Spain 2016 - Day 5

After breakfast this morning we drove straight to the beach; a different one this morning and it was absolutely perfect. Nice and busy but with easy parking and a few lovely bars and restaurants for our morning coffee and ice cream stop. Henry found a huge hole which had no doubt been dug out by some older children yesterday and parked himself in that for the morning. That hole was a boat, the three pigs' house of bricks, a garden, a pot of soup, all sorts. His imagination is just wild at the moment. He also had his first ever swim in the sea which he loved. I went in with him up to my waist, it was actually a lot warmer than I expected, and he was almost out of his depth but had his armbands on so he was kicking his little legs and swimming so well. The water was so so calm with only a few tiny waves on the shore which were great for jumping over. Lots and lots of fun. We had an ice lolly up on the promenade overlooking the beach, Henry told us he was happy to have an ice cream but "no more cafes please". Think he's a bit sick of our constant coffee stops! 

After we left the beach it was lunchtime so we stopped for a roast chicken and potato wedges from the pollo asado shop in town....the best type of take away in Spain. We ate that on our terrace and then all went in the shower to get rid of the sand before our sleep. 

We had a couple of hours siesta and then headed up to the pool for an hour or two and had our snack up there too. Henry and I had a little swim in the big pool but generally he was more than happy to splash about in the baby pool while we sat on the edge.

We then got ready for dinner and drove into town and parked by the port. We went straight to the fairground which Henry had been talking about all afternoon and he had a couple of rides on a little roundabout, first in Peppa's car and then on the Paw Patrol fire engine. He was the happiest child on there by far, the younger children looked a bit overwhelmed and the older ones a bit bored, but two and a half is a pretty magical age for a roundabout on holiday apparently and he had a huge smile on his face the whole time and we could hear his shrieks the whole way around.

We found somewhere nice to eat and had a lovely menu del dia, playing dinosaur stickers between courses and also 'writing' Henry's postcards to send home. I say writing, but he drew pictures of his Parpar and Daddy and then used his Postman Pat rubber stamp to stamp all over them. We're going to pretend to post them tomorrow and then sneak them through Daddy and Parpar's doors when we get home. 

After dinner we headed back to the fair for a few more rides and an ice cream and then went back to the car to go home. A very very late night for us but a really lovely busy day.

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