Wednesday, 20 July 2016

34 weeks pregnant

Had my 34 week appointment today - baby is no longer breech (wahoo), blood pressure is fine (110/70), urine was clear and heartbeat was great. All in all, considering that it's been really really hot this week and I've been working a lot, have a two year old and I'm almost 8 months pregnant, I feel really good. The heat definitely hasn't affected me this time like it did when I was pregnant with Henry and aside from my achey hips and pelvis, I feel totally normal. All good. Let's hope it stays that way for the next 6 weeks.

How far along? 34 weeks

Baby is...the size of a butternut squash 

Stretch marks? No, I'm on constant stretch mark watch at this stage but still none so far.

Sleep: Really good. I'm waking up once a night for the loo (I usually just go when Henry wakes up in the middle of the night) and then sleeping through. No major problems getting comfy this week and no heartburn either.

Best moment this week: Finishing work! No more work for 10 whole months. 

Miss anything? An ice cold vodka and tonic or glass of rosé in the sunshine on an evening. That's really it I think 

Food cravings: Nothing exciting. I'm still not really into food, there's nothing I fancy, but I am managing to eat a little more at mealtimes.

Gender: I think boy this week. We really don't have a clue but I'm so so excited to find out now.

Symptoms: Same as before really, nothing new.

Mood: Good, positive, excited. Everything's better now that I've finished work! 

Labour signs?: Still just braxton hicks. Baby isn't engaged at all yet but at least they're head down!

Appointments: Just my 34 week appointment which was quick and easy. I can't believe that I'll be 36 weeks at my next appointment!!

Looking forward to: Shopping for my hospital bag and getting it all packed and ready next week 

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