Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Weight Watchers - Week 4 - What I Ate Wednesday

I only lost a pound this week at Weight Watchers, taking my total loss in 4 weeks to 12 pounds. I have been really good and kept to my points so I'm not entirely sure why I only lost a pound, but it's better than putting it on I suppose. A huge positive this week was that I bought a size 12 skirt, wahoo! I'd really like to fit comfortably in to size 12 jeans so fingers crossed that's not too far away. I also went for a 2 mile run at the weekend and I felt really good afterwards; I'll definitely be trying to keep that up once or twice a week. Unfortunately for my diet I have such a busy foodie week coming up with it being my birthday next Wednesday. I have lunch out before going to the theatre with my mum on Saturday, Sunday lunch out with friends on to celebrate my birthday and then a special birthday breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner at the spa on Wednesday!! I think I'll be lucky to be the same weight this time next week.

On to What I Ate Wednesday. Here's my run down of the day.


40g alphabites cereal with Koko milk (5 points). We bought this cereal for Henry because it's really healthy and full of calcium, but I really love it too and you can actually have quite a lot for the amount of points that it is.


I had a raspberry fruit yoyo (1 point) at work for my snack. The kids at school all eat these and I absolutely love them too. They're just made from pure fruit and really low in points too.


I had half a carton of this skinny tomato and lentil soup with a toasted bagel thin (6 points) before having a lovely long nap with Henry.


After Weight Watchers I had made sausage casserole (12 points) which was full of different veggies, 5 types of beans and chicken sausages. I used the Heck chicken sausages for the first time and they were amazing! You can have 4 sausages for 3 points which is brilliant compared to the points in normal sausages. I had it with a small serving of brown rice. Henry had the same as it's one of his favourite dinners.  


I had a bowl of fruit and an Alpro yogurt (3 points) once Henry was in bed. I didn't take a photo though, I was far too excited about my night time treat to stop and photograph it. 

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