Saturday 31 October 2015

Half Term Day 7 - 29/10/15

I've been loving the lazy mornings we've had this half term and today was no different. After a few hours we met Henry's Marmar and Parpar up at the garden centre to try out the new tropical world that's just opened. Henry absolutely loved it, he's been to a lot of amazing places but I'd say he was the most animated and excited about tropical world! He just spent an hour running around shouting 'wow!' at the top of his voice. There were fish, birds of prey, owls, a tortoise, terrapins, snakes, lizards, little canaries flying all over the place, parrots and beautiful plants and wooden furniture and 'treasures' everywhere too. It was really great.

We then went up the road to The Punch Bowl pub in Satley and had a lovely lunch, as we usually do on Thursdays. Henry ate loads, as per usual and we sat by the open fire which was just lush. 

Henry and I then came home for a long nap together and then we went for a walk in the park which turned into a total disaster. Henry threw an almighty tantrum about having to walk so just sat on the floor screaming while I refused to pick him up. We walked about 10 metres before I gave up and brought him home for 2 minutes on the naughty step!!

Because he's had such a long and late nap and because he'd reused to walk, I was worried that he'd had no exercise all afternoon so we went swimming after dinner which was lovely. The pool was really empty and Henry enjoyed playing in the pool before bedtime. It's not something we'd ever do usually so it was a bit of a treat with it being the holidays. 

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