How far along? 13 weeks. I'm absolutely sure I'm only 12, but by scan dates I'm 13, so I'll stick with official dates from now on. I'm happy to miss a week and jump straight to the second trimester.
Baby is...the size of a peach
Total weight gain: 10lb!! 10lb! Jesus Christ. Trying not to think about it. I was the same last time though, the only cure for sickness has been to eat ALL day long. And of course I haven't craved tomatoes or cucumber; all I've wanted are salty dry crackers, rice cakes or crisps. Hence the 10lb. Hoping a healthier second trimester will mean a lot slower weight gain.
Maternity clothes? Yep! The jeans and work trousers are out and I'm wearing stretchy tops that go over my bump. I could really do with a nice dress I could wear with tights for a few weeks for work etc, but finding all of the maternity stuff in the shops SO frumpy and old fashioned. Either that or just ridiculously expensive.
Stretch marks? Not yet, I'm applying bio oil once a day and using my Lush Therapy massage bar too. Fingers crossed...
Sleep: A little better but I'm so snotty still (another glamorous pregnancy symptom no one ever warns you about) so waking up with a totally dry mouth throughout the night because I can't breathe through my nose. Also getting up once or twice to wee already.
Best moment this week? Our scan, seeing baby 'Simba' for the second time, the first time of seeing a gorgeous little baby with arms and legs though. He/she was fast asleep and only crossed and uncrossed their legs a few times for us. We're hoping this might mean we're getting a baby who loves to sleep unlike their big brother!
Miss anything? Not really, the NHS have changed their guidelines on goats cheese since my last pregnancy and I can now safely eat it cooked, hurrah! So Mr B and I chose Pizza Express for our date night this week and both tucked into goats cheese pizzas. So good.
Food cravings: Berries are going down well. Not sure they're a craving, but we're getting through plenty in our house at the moment!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Of course. Bloody sickness. I still hate the smell of our kitchen and some washing powders, but it's not as bad as it was. I have good and bad days but I'm definitely getting better every day.
Gender: We're both thinking boy after our scan.
Labour signs: Way too early thankfully.
Symptoms: Sore boobs, sickness, stuffy nose, extreme tiredness, some pelvis pain which feels like I've been kicked really hard between the legs...just sore and bruised....lovely.
Mood: Generally okay, just super tired and grumpy with it at times.
Looking forward to: Having a tiny newborn again.