How far along? 5 weeks
Baby is...the size of an apple seed
Total weight gain: 0lb, exactly the same weight as last week
Maternity clothes? Not yet, I tried on my old jeans which I absolutely loved last time around and they're going to be way too big this time and so are my work trousers. What a pain. I remember wearing my trousers to work from really early on too, around 13/14 weeks, so I'll be on the hunt for trousers soon.
Stretch marks? No and I'm hoping to keep it that way! I'm applying Bio Oil once a day at the moment.
Sleep: One word. Shocking. I remember this exact same thing happening last time. I didn't sleep a full night last time I was pregnant in the entire 9 months and it looks like it'll be the same this time. I just wake up about 4 or 5 times a night and can't get back to sleep. That on top of Henry waking up is a killer. Soon it'll be getting up to wee, then it'll be heartburn keeping me up and then I'll be too big and uncomfortable to sleep. Oh the joys!!
Best moment this week: Finally 'feeling' pregnant, even if they aren't particularly great symptoms.
Miss anything? Diet coke. Although it's not an official 'no-go' item, I drink way too much of the stuff and when you read the ingredients list it's just full of absolute crap. Not worth it.
Food cravings: Not really, still starving from the second I wake up on a morning (and often in the middle of the night too).
Anything making you queasy or sick? I've had my first few sicky episodes, just a few hours where I've felt really queasy or sick. Nothing long lasting or particularly awful yet though...
Gender: No idea. Henry's decided this baby bump is going to be called simba, so I've been referring to it as a he because of that I think.
Labour signs: Way too early.
Symptoms: Crappy sleep, very vivid dreams, nose bleeds, some sickness.
Mood: Generally happy and still super excited
Looking forward to: Having a gorgeous baby bump again.
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