How far along? 15 weeks - that goal I've been counting down to because I assumed it would mean I'd finally stop being sick because it's when my sickness stopped last time. No such luck, still sick, still on cyclizine, still hating being pregnant! Hmpf
Baby is...the size of a navel orange
Total weight gain: Not a clue, I wake up feeling so sick that going to get weighed is the last thing on my mind.
Maternity clothes? Yes! All trousers are now maternity and a lot of my normal tops are getting too short now so I'm wearing a lot of maternity stuff.
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: a bit better, but I've never ever felt so exhausted in my life. Ever. It feels like I'm treading syrup all day, nothing is easy, if I don't nap I'm just exhausted. Bone wearily tired. It's bloody awful. If my iron hadn't been fine at 8 weeks I'd be convinced that that might be what's wrong.
Best moment this week? Starting to feel tiny flutters
Miss anything? Energy. And not being/feeling sick. I'm so fed up with it now, it's been over 10 weeks since it started and seems to be showing no signs of improving
Food cravings: Nothing really.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Oh yes. Still plenty making me sick.
Gender: I think boy still, so does daddy.
Symptoms: Big boobs, sickness, extreme tiredness and some pelvis pain when I've done too much .
Mood: Just miserable, I've hated this week in all honesty.
Looking forward to: getting some energy back, feeling like myself again and making a start on Henry's new big boy's room and the baby's nursery.
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