How far along? 16 weeks
Baby is...the size of an avocado
Maternity clothes? I'm having a serious issue with clothes that fit. I'm fine for work, but I definitely need to invest in a couple of tops I can wear on afternoons and weekends. I'm also desperate for a nice casual, floral dress which I can wear now. I have a couple of summer dresses from last time which are fine for the summer months (if a little big) but I really want something I can wear now with tights. I can't find one anywhere though so the search continues. It really bothers me how frumpy, plain and totally boring most maternity wear is. Considering it's aimed at young women in their twenties and thirties, you'd think it would be a bit cooler!
Stretch marks? No, still slapping on the bio oil.
Sleep: A lot better. Henry is sleeping better (once he's in with me!) and so am I. Generally I'm up once for a wee but that's a serious improvement
Best moment this week: Waking up to baby's big brother rubbing my tummy and saying "Hurry up baby. Come out please". He's so excited to be a big brother and have his very own baby.
Miss anything? Being able to go in the sauna and steam room at the spa! Sounds daft, the spa isn't a regular occurance but we went at the weekend and I would have loved a long stint in the steam room!! Still, peace and quiet and a non-alcoholic smoothie was still such a treat!
Food cravings: Not massively, I still need to eat very regularly to avoid being sick.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular. The sickness continues though. I have good days and bad days, so I suppose that's an improvement if nothing else!
Gender: I still think baby boy, we always refer to baby as a he in our house.
Symptoms: Sickness, really awful headaches most days and some serious pelvic pain tonight. When's the 'blooming' stage? Someone remind me?! Oh and still extreme tiredness despite the sleep improving.
Mood: Not bad, we had a lovely weekend with friends and family which cheered me up a lot.
Looking forward to: feeling well, having a massive bump and generally being one of those women I'm totally envious of at the moment!
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