Sunday, 20 March 2016

Toddler eccentricities

I wanted to write this post whilst you are still in full eccentric toddler mode. I wanted to remember the really little things that made us smile most about when you were small; not the first steps, not the holidays or Christmases, the really little 'easy to forget' things that made you you at 2 and a half...and a few photos too, just to embarrass you when you're older and read this. 

"Patchu, Mama"
Every single night once you're in your cot you say to me "Patchu, Mama" which basically means you want me to pat you. You've obviously heard me asking if you want me to "pat you" and think that the verb is 'to patchu'. I love hearing this every night and I'll be so sad when you eventually realise you actually just want a pat, or even worse, when you don't want patting at all. 
Just napping with mummy and refusing to remove your shades or ditch the guitar

This is your version of NO at the moment. No happened. You often say it 20+ times a day and it's hard not to laugh every single time. Conversations go a bit like this....

"Would you like some cereal, Henry?"
"No happened. Toast please."

Or more often like this....

"Henry, can you tidy up your toys?"

Insisting you must wear your Mexican hat to go out

"More bookses please"
As your language develops I love hearing you testing out little rules you assume apply to all words. At the moment your plurals are just so cute. Every ends in 'ses' as in 'horses' - except the English language doesn't quite work that way. Yesterday you got very cross when I tried to tell you that the word was men and not manses. Books are just always called bookses at the moment and dogs are dogses. Obviously. I love hearing you chattering away, all of these new words are just amazing
How else do people eat their takeaway pizzas?

"Lemon, car and keys please"
Every night when I put you to bed you insist that you have a wooden toy lemon, a red car and a set of plastic keys with you. You absolutely will not sleep without them. Oh, and Chicken the bear of course. 

And there you have it, 4 of my very favourite things of the moment. Quirky individual things that make us all smile and laugh every day, but no doubt, over time, things we'll forget pretty quickly too. We love you so much for being you, our crazy little eccentric Pigwidgeon. 

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