I currently have a gorgeous little one snuggled up on my lap having a little sleep. You may be wondering why this is particularly special...the reason is he fell asleep without the help of the boob, or the car or pram.These are the only ways Henry has ever napped for me since he's been born (he'll nap for other people, it's just me he demands milk from!). I've never bothered to worry about it or fight it, it's what's worked for us and he's always been so good with his naps that I haven't wanted to rock the boat really. Since dropping all day feeds last week, Henry's fallen asleep in the car while we've been out and about and I've just transferred him into bed when we've got home. Today was the first day that we weren't out at nap time and I was determined not to give him a breastfeed to get him to sleep as he's been doing amazingly without his afternoon feeds this week.
Instead I made him a warm cup of coconut milk, which he guzzled, and snuggled him on my knee and then I rocked him and sang to him for no more than 10 minutes before he was fast asleep. I was about to transfer him into his cot but I soon changed my mind. I can't believe how quickly he's growing up. He seems to have become a little boy over the last couple of weeks and so I'm making the most of these precious afternoons together and cuddling my baby boy while he sleeps. I can't think of a better way to spend a Tuesday afternoon.
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