Sunday, 16 November 2014

Learning to talk - Updated

I had never realised how amazing language acquisition was until I had my own baby. I'm honestly in absolute awe of how amazing the human body is, and the fact that my son is now chit chatting away astounds me every single day. Henry is coming out with new words most days at the moment and I'm loving this stage in his development. He's also trying to copy everything we say, so Mr B has been warned to watch his language around Henry!
Henry's favourite words at the moment are Peppa (whenever he seems Peppa Pig!), Mama, Dadda, Marmar, Parpar, George, look, there, star, juice, dog, bang, boo and key. He is also saying "baa baa" when we ask him what the sheep says and opens and closes his mouth whenever he sees a fish. I have the sweetest video of him saying Peppa, but have no idea how to embed videos into my blog posts...that's my task for this weekend I think. Be prepared for some serious cuteness! 

Just having a little chat on the phone! 


So here is the little cutie performing some of his newest tricks...

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