Since having him I've been ill A LOT. I'm not sure if it's the lack of sleep or the fact that I'm breastfeeding or the fact that I'm not eating properly or having enough 'me' time. I'm not sure if it's just all the germs from school that my body isn't used to anymore or what. All I know is, being ill and having a little one to look after isn't easy. When I was ill pre-baby I'd have a large wine and take myself off to bed for a mammoth 12 hour sleep to sort myself out. I'd dose up on Lemsip and multivitamins and spend my evenings tucked up on the sofa with a blanket watching trashy tv. This is directly in contrast to today where I've felt like crap but had to get up at the crack of dawn to be out of the house by 7am, I've had to battle with a screaming toddler to get him to keep his gloves on, get him to stop drinking juice and eat his dinner instead (resulting in a tantrum), deal with said tantrum, get him to keep his hat on his head, to feed quietly at bedtime rather than sing to me. I've had to teach a class of children, put a load of washing in, get a baby to bed and pretend to be thrilled by the garden fireworks for the benefit of the baby when all I wanted to do was crawl into bed on my own for a whole nights sleep.
I'm currently onto my third cold in the last 12 weeks. In that time I've also had a sickness bug. That's not really very good going. I can't drink more than a glass of wine or have a strong hot toddy before bed. I can't take any Lemsip without it impacting on my milk supply and I definitely can't have a full nights sleep. And to top it all off, I cant eat anything tasty because anything seriously good or naughty contains milk or eggs. All of this is leading to me feeling pretty fed up to say the least.
I do seriously apologise for the pity party tonight, my blog is usually full of all the loveliness of mummyhood, how much I adore being a mummy, breastfeeding and being a little family of three. But I also want you to know the reality of being a working, breastfeeding mummy. Sometimes it's really bloody hard. Anyway as ever I'm trying to focus on the positives. Ive had a lovely long bath, a lot of half-decent dairy free chocolate, my first glass of mulled wine of the year and as always, some lush snuggles with my little one at bedtime. Here's hoping for a decent nights sleep...
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