Saturday, 8 November 2014

Dropping boob feeds

So I decided yesterday to wean Henry from the boob during the day. I'm still going to feed him in bed first thing on a morning, last thing at night and then during the night if he wakes up. If it was up to Henry, he'd feed all day, everyday. He LOVES his boob feeds and I'm definitely not ready to stop altogether just yet, particularly with him not being able to eat any dairy yet. 
Yesterday went well, he went from 7:30am-8pm without a boob feed, and he even had his first cup of coconut milk quite happily at tea time. Today he last fed at 5am and is now finally having his night time feed. He did cry for a feed earlier today at nap time, but a smoothie and a little Chelsea bun definitely helped take his mind of it! So we're definitely off to a good start. 
 I know that dropping day feeds will help us and he's definitely old enough, but I am feeling ridiculously sad about the whole weaning process.
It's just about accepting that he's growing up. I've had 13 months (and 9 before that) of having a son that needs me, and only me, for every single thing in his life. I keep him warm and protected, I clothe him and feed him, I cuddle him and comfort him. Ultimately that's what growing up is about I suppose; becoming independent. I never thought I'd find him growing up so difficult though and if I could freeze time, I absolutely would. I adore this little one so much, more than I ever imagined it was possible to love someone. He lights up my life and makes my world the happiest place to live in. The last 13 months have been our happiest ever and leaving them behind is so very bittersweet. I'm excited for our next chapter: the toddler years, but will always look back on our first chapter with such happy memories. Many memories of snuggling up to my boy at all hours of the day and night, feeding him, watching  his little contented face, hearing his faint sleepy noises and feeling the luckiest mummy in the whole world.

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