Sunday, 15 March 2015

Being your mummy is the greatest pleasure

There is so much negativity surrounding parenting young children; blogs that talk about hating the early days of having a baby, hating the lack of independence and changes having a child inevitably brings. People start sentences with 'just you wait...' when talking to their newly pregnant friends and are quick to share stories of sleepless nights, sick stained clothes and mummy guilt. Today my Facebook feed is full of the usual declarations of love for our mothers, which is lovely, but there's also a few statuses saying that the best gift for Mothers' Day would be peace or time alone and I find that so sad. Yes, being a mummy is intense. Yes, sometimes I'd love some peace and quiet. But today the feeling I have is overwhelmingly just how lucky I am to have such a wonderful mum and how fortunate I am to have a happy and healthy little boy. I can't think of anything worse than spending today on my own, no matter how peaceful it may be. I imagine my mum would say the same. We spent the day together with my Gran too, all of us out for lunch together, feeling lucky to have our loved ones around us. Today isn't a day for a peaceful spa break or time alone. It's a day to be spoilt by loved ones, to spoil our own mums and grandmothers and to feel lucky.

I wake up every day feeling so lucky to be a mummy. There are so many people that don't have it that easy, some that have to battle for years to conceive, some that can never have babies at all. I'm lucky that I have an amazing mum myself, my best friend and the best Marmar I could ever imagine for my baby. I have friends that have lost their mums and the pain I imagine they feel today is indescribable and my heart aches for them today more than ever. 

Henry, being your mummy is an absolute pleasure, not just today, but every day.  I love you so much, little one. Thank you for making me such a happy mummy xxx

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