Saturday, 7 March 2015

Smoothie Time

Today when Henry woke up from his nap the first thing he asked for was a smoothie. He knows the routine, we make smoothies for his snack as soon as he wakes up and so today he did a 'round and round' action with his hand - his sign for the blender. I love that he can now 'ask' for what he wants with a mixture of hand signs, sounds and words; it makes life so much easier and much less frustrating for him. He absolutely loves the blender, whenever he sees it he does his little action and we now just call it the 'round and round' in our house! 
Because Henry only has 2 breastfeeds a day, I'm really conscious that he needs calcium from other sources too and the dietician told me to get him to drink cups of coconut milk, which is fine in theory, but he absolutely refuses to drink it. He'll sip at it, but never drinks much so it's a total waste of time. That's where the smoothies started. I tried blending some Koko milk with some kale (also full of calcium), spinach and berries and he absolutely loved it, so we now do that every day for afternoon snack time. Obviously I'd prefer to just be able to pour him a glass of milk, but he's getting fruit and green leafy veg at the same time so I'm really not too fussed for the time being. He always insists that it goes in his Peppa Pig mug too, he shouts "Peppa!" at me if I dare try anything else, he really makes us laugh.

A few photos from our smoothie making sessions. 

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