Saturday, 21 March 2015

Henry at 18 months

My baby is 18 months old today, a proper little toddler with his own quirks and personality. I love him more than I ever knew it was possible to love anyone and am beyond thankful that I'm his mummy. I can't believe he is now closer to his second birthday than he is to his first, which honestly feels like it was only a few weeks ago. I thought I'd do a little 18 month update to remind us of Henry at this age and also to remind us of those quirks and milestones that are so easy to forget.

Weight: Henry was weighed at his allergist appointment a few weeks ago and he now weighs 24lb 4oz. He's bang on the 50th centile for weight and height which is crazy when he was on the 91st centile this time last year. He's definitely not a chubby little baby anymore, he's now a busy toddler who never sits down, so no wonder he's not putting weight on quite so quickly. 

Routine: Henry has one nap around lunchtime, usually for around 2 hours. He then goes to bed about 7:30 after his bath with daddy. He now only has milk on morning and last thing before bed and we're planning to totally wean when he's around 2.

Food: We definitely didn't get a 'sleeper', but we did get a bloody amazing eater. He's yet to have a fussy phase, I live in dread that this may happen but so far, so good! He will eat anything: strong fish, any fruit or vegetable, all meat, sauces, you name it. There's nothing he won't eat and he goes through phases of eating SO much food too, obviously when he's having a growth spurt. The only time he won't eat is when he's under the weather and then he hardly eats a thing until he's feeling better. His favourites are beef casserole, tomatoey spaghetti, watermelon, grapes, toast, Marmar's homemade bread, milky orange jelly and of course any sweet treats.

Sleep: We still have good nights and bad nights but generally his sleep his improving. He often does a 6 hour stretch now which is probably classed as 'sleeping through' but I'd much prefer 8 hours!! I deal with the sleepless nights much better than I did before and we still often nap together on an afternoon if I'm not working. 

Sizes: Henry is in 18-24 month clothes mainly, although quite a few 12-18 month things do still fit. He wears size 5 nappies and his feet are a size 5G. 

Milestones/personality quirks 

• Henry's speech is coming along and he understands everything that we say to him. He communicates exactly what he wants to do or what he wants, but doesn't always use words exactly!! When he wants a drink he asks for 'guh guh' and if he wants to make a smoothie he says 'guh guh' and makes a round and round action with his hands. He is constantly saying 'Mama' and pointing to things that he wants, he really makes us laugh. He says a handful of words well, but the rest are still just sounds.

• He absolutely adores Peppa Pig, she's his absolute favourite. A normal conversation in our house goes like this:
Me: What shall we watch on telly?
Henry: Peppa
Me: Shall we watch Balamory?
Henry: Peppa!!
Me: What about Waybuloo?
Henry: PEPPA!!!
We know every bloody word to every episode and he'd sit and watch it all day long if we let him. He also loves Waybuloo, Postman Pat, Thomas the Tank Engine, Zingzillas and Balamory. 

• He still has 12 teeth, but has 4 little canines almost through. 

• He loves baking and cooking at the moment. My mum bakes bread with him every morning and he just adores it; it's the first thing he wants to do when he's through the door at 7am and it's the first thing he wants to show me when I pick him up later in the day. He makes cakes at home with me and every afternoon we make milky smoothies together with Koko milk, bananas, berries and kale (amazing for topping up our calcium!!). 

• He loves singing and can do so many actions to songs now. He loves Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Wind the bobbin up, Row row row your boat and The Hokey Kokey. He also loves a random song about a little green frog which he is constantly asking us to sing with him; he was shouting at us to do it all round Tesco earlier. You know you've lost all dignity and self respect as a parent when you're walking round Tesco on a Saturday morning singing a song about a frog and sticking your tongue out and making daft noises in the chorus! 

• He absolutely loves animals. He says Baa and Rahhhh for a sheep and a lion and does a cute little horse action when he sees a horse or wants Marmar to take him down the road to feed the horses. I went to pick him up the other day and the first thing he did was his little horse action, as if he wanted to tell me that he'd just been down the road to see them. So cute.

• I've started taking him swimming once a week which he's absolutely loving and we also go to baby gym every week too. He goes to 3 different baby groups with my mum and is constantly out for coffee and to play with Marmar and Parpar on a morning and Mummy on an afternoon; he has such a lovely little life and is one very lucky boy! 

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