My mum said at baby group earlier he seemed so much older than he was just a few weeks ago. He fell over at one point and she rushed over to him but he'd already got up, dusted himself off and was busy playing again. He was once clingy while we were out and would constantly be watching what we were doing or wanting us to play with him, but yesterday, at soft play, he was just off on his own having fun. I'm so glad that he's growing in confidence and he's happy, but it does make me sad that he's growing up every day and each day he needs me that tiny bit less than he did the day before.
This afternoon after work I took him shopping and he loved toddling around holding my hand, pressing the button on the lift, sitting in all the 'rides' we passed (the rubbish things you pay £1 for to bribe children to be good in the shops), playing at the kids' table in the cafe and exploring the little soft play area. He asked for juice when he was thirsty, had a snack when he was hungry and was just so grown up and gorgeous.
We then came home and baked together which is one of his favourite things to do at the moment. I'd bought a little Peppa Pig cakes set which I'd never usually buy but he loves Peppa, they're so easy to make and a massive bonus was that they were dairy free! He absolutely loved every second and was just thrilled when we took them out of the oven and could ice them. They were the worst things I've ever baked but he loved them so we'll definitely be making them again soon.
I'm so proud of the big boy that he's growing up to be with all of his new tricks and quirks. I really really love being his mummy.
Awww, this post needs to come with a cuteness overload warning! They do grow up quick and it's so wonderful to a little one baking x