Thursday, 30 April 2015

My little helper

The novelty of having a little helper in the kitchen definitely hasn't worn off. We cook all of our dinners from scratch every night, having Henry and eating all together round the table has really encouraged us to do that more and we definitely eat fewer takeaways and less processed food that we used to before we had him eating with us. We very occasionally will all have an M&S ready meal and that feels like a real naughty times have changed! 
There is no way Henry will let me cook in peace in the kitchen; he loves to help! Today he got involved with the meatball rolling, one of his favourite things to do. He is so good at rolling the meat between his hands like I do, it's amazing how much children pick up just from copying other people.

It would be fair to say that Henry loved his pasta and meatballs tonight. He's definitely having some kind of growth spurt at the moment and just can't be filled, and he honestly ate nearly as much as his Daddy and I did! 

After dinner we made some Peppa Pig cupcakes. We use a box mix which I would never have thought I'd do, but as it's egg and dairy free and super easy, it's just perfect for him. We put a banana in and today we changed the icing and Henry got to use sprinkles for the first time which he thought was great fun....not so great for mummy to tidy up though!

The finished cakes are actually delicious and you can really taste the banana. 

I really love baking with my little friend and hope he'll be able to have egg and dairy soon so we can try out some proper cake and biscuit recipes, I really really miss proper baking.

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