Friday, 24 April 2015

Story time

Most nights before bathtime, Henry will bring me a book (or 5!) and he'll plonk himself on my knee and we read together for a good 10/15 minutes. We read the same stories most nights despite him having plenty to choose from in his room. He absolute adores all of his books about animals and farms, and anything with a flap to lift is always a winner.
I can honestly say that it's the nicest 10 minutes of my day. It's calm and peaceful, we don't have the TV on and the irritating toy noises have all been switched off. He will often stroke my hand or arm as I read to him and I love how he snuggles in so close.
We will always do story time in our house because I love it so much and think it's so important. I want Henry to grow up knowing that as busy as his mummy might be and no matter how many siblings he may have by then, I'll always have 10 minutes for him, for peace and quiet and snuggles. 

As much as I love these picture book days, I can't wait until I can crouch on the floor next to his big boys' bed and read him a chapter of Harry Potter. I can't wait until he can sit next to me and read pages of his school book to me, stumbling over new words and understanding the magic of a book for himself for the first time. But for now, I'm going to sit and enjoy Goodnight Moon for the eightieth time and help good old Mr Fox find those socks, because these days are so very precious and I want to enjoy every second of quality time with my beautiful little one before our picture book days are over.

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