Thursday, 2 April 2015

Heart bursting love

If you've had a really crap day full of toddler tantrums or you're battling to get your child to bed, I would read no further. I'm afraid this is going to be a gushy, irritating post; but I need to write it to look back on, and for Henry to read in years to come. I want him to know how good he was as a baby, how loved he was. So I'm sorry if this post is going to be a bit smug, but I've blogged about the sleepless nights and the rubbish days, and with that comes this type of day where my heart feels as though it could just burst from too much love.

You're probably wondering what we did today that's made me feel this way, but the honest answer is nothing particularly exciting. We took some carrots down the road to feed the horses, went for coffee and cake at the farm and saw the animals while we were there. We had a nap snuggled up together and ate Peppa pig shaped pasta for lunch. We went shopping at the Metrocente for a couple of hours and had a snack in M&S cafe before coming home, made dinner and then made some Easter nest cakes to enjoy this weekend. I bathed Henry and dressed him like usual, I fed him and put him to bed, and I could have sat and sobbed by his cot out of pure happiness. I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a sweet little boy and I thank God every day that I am able to be his mummy.

The truth is, he's just SO easy. Apparently he's the polar opposite to what I was like as a child; my first word was 'no' and I quickly learnt to stamp my feet, Henry says 'uh huh' and nods his head whenever we ask him a question. I keep waiting for it to get hard, I'm waiting for him to become a fussy eater or throw massive tantrums in public. Today he sat in his pram for two hours while I shopped, he ate everything that I gave him and chatted and laughed through the day. He was a little pleasure to sit with in M&S and I was so proud of him as he grinned at the old grannies that stopped to chat to him. 

A couple of years ago, I would have thought that I'd find it difficult not having time to myself or having to put someone else's needs before my own. But I love it more than I ever believed I would. I love having his company all day and I love watching him grow and learn new things every day. I love having a little friend to go out for coffee with and love seeing his joy when we feed the horses or splash in the swimming pool. I never knew that being a mummy could be as wonderful as it is. 
I hope that one day Henry will become a Daddy and I hope that he will have a baby as easy as he is now. Being your mummy is such a pleasure, little one. I love you so much.

* Just to counteract the gushing....this child still sleeps like a can't have it all, can you?!

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