Monday, 6 April 2015

Peace and Quiet

I would say I'm a pretty materialistic person. It's not something I'm particularly proud of, but it's the way I am. I love my Mulberry bag and my Louboutin heels, I dress my son in Mini Boden and Little White Company clothes and we spend a small fortune on days out and eating out. We have a really really lovely life, we don't have loads of money by any means, but we are comfortable, I can work part time and for that, I am beyond thankful.
Despite all these things, I can honestly say that I am never happier than when I am walking in the countryside with my family. I love the peace and quiet, being able to wear muddy clothes and not being in a hurry. We went out this morning just down the road to have a walk along the river. We took Henry a few times last year but he was really little and just sat in his pushchair, whereas today he was a proper little boy: exploring the forest, paddling in the river, eating his snack on a dirty bench with his grubby knees and filthy shoes. It was absolute perfection. He thought the dog jumping in the water and swimming was just hilarious and couldn't wait to get in there himself, it was so lovely. Here a few photos from our morning:

This last photo may look like a sad face, but it's actually Henry laughing hysterically at the dog! 

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