Tuesday, 30 August 2016

40 weeks pregnant - due date!!

Somehow it's my due date, these last few weeks have flown over and I genuinely can't believe that tomorrow is September and we're going to have a baby really really soon. It still feels totally surreal, I still don't feel prepared and can't imagine what it'll be like doing those newborn days all over again but with a toddler this time. It's super exciting but a bit terrifying too. Let's hope this little one doesn't keep us waiting too long now...

How far along? 40 weeks!

Baby is... the size of a jackfruit (what a jackfruit is, I know not!)

Weight gain...32 pounds so just over 2 stone. Totally happy with that at this stage.

Stretch marks? No, good old Bio oil has meant that I still have a nice smooth big old belly 

Sleep: Not bad at all. Still sleeping all night most nights without getting up for the loo. Henry's still needing mummy cuddles in the middle of the night but that's all fine. If we all get this much sleep, I couldn't care less who sleeps in whose bed for the time being. 

Best moment this week? Getting to my due date and (hopefully) ensuring a September baby. 

Miss anything? Sleeping on my front. I always sleep totally flat on my stomach and really miss it. My hips are so sore when I wake up at the moment from lying on my side. After I had Henry I assumed that I'd be able to lie on my tummy immediately but it was a good while before I could. My tummy was tender as all of my organs rearranged themselves again and massive milk filled boobs don't lend themselves to lying on either, but hopefully it won't be long. 

Food cravings: Nothing at all. This pregnancy has been terrible for good cravings!

Gender: I don't know, honestly. But I'm so so excited to find out who we get, boy or girl. And what they'll be like, who they'll look like, all of those things. 

Labour signs? Firstly I can't believe how well I've been these last few weeks. I've felt totally fine in myself, hormones are in check, no major pain, not majorly tired. We've been busy every day, I haven't struggled with Henry at all (but still super grateful for our two nights off a week where's he's stayed at my mum's!), it's all been really pretty easy. 
On Saturday night I had proper contractions from about 11pm-midnight. I timed them for around an hour and they lasted a minute and were around 5 mins apart. I was so sure that that was it and decided to get a few hours sleep if I could but then woke up a few hours later with nothing so it was obviously just a little trial run! I then had a lot of back pain on Sunday night which felt very much like my last labour, but that had gone by Monday! Tuesday morning was odd too, I woke up beyond achey and suddenly felt shaky and sick at the check out in Morrisons of all places, but then felt totally fine again after a nap. 
With Henry I had absolutely zero symptoms until I went into labour so it's all a bit of a novelty having all these 'signs' and not knowing what they mean, if anything at all! 

Mood? All good.

Appointments: My 40 week appointment went well. The head is now 3/5 engaged, whereas until now it's been totally 'free' and my blood pressure is nice and low still. Heartbeat was nice and strong and we're all set to go. I have a sweep booked in for a week's time at 41 weeks and she said induction would be booked for term+14 which would be the 14th September, a week before Henry's birthday. 

Looking forward to: Being holed up in hospital with my baby for a day or two. It sounds stupid but I love the thought of it just being me and him/her, getting to know eachother, cuddling, feeding, with someone making our dinner and drinks and just generally looking after us. 

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Our summer holidays - week 5

And so week 5 is over and if my due date is anything to go by, potentially our last full week! Time seems to be slipping through my fingers and I can't believe how quickly this summer has gone. Here's our week 5 update and I really hope we have a week 6 update next week at least....just hold on a week or two more baby Simba! 

Arrived back from his Marmar's fast asleep after a sleepover and busy morning. I just sat and cuddled him for well over an hour and he was so pleased to see me when he woke up. Just beautiful. 

Been loving my baths this week with my Kindle. I pretty much spend the entire evening in there eating and drinking and it's so relaxing.

Our usual (but last) oases session in the park. The theme was mud and sticks and this little one thoroughly enjoyed digging up mud, making mud pies, painting with mud and lots of other messy fun! No community centre cinema session for us this week, we saw our friends at the garden centre for lunch straight after instead.

Another swimming morning, this time to the special Finding Dory session at the local pool. He loved it, I I was bloody knackered! We had lunch afterwards in the cafe and then home for a snuggle and nap.

A lovely walk on the old railway collecting leaves, berries and flowers in an old party bag!

Finishing our dream catcher with all of the things we found on our walk.

Daddy plays football on a Wednesday so this little one and I had a bath, got into our PJs, made a huge bowl of popcorn, snuggled up and watched a film together.  It was absolutely lush and I think we'll be doing it again this week if we are still babyless by Wednesday night!

A Museum Mice class at the Hancock in Newcastle. Loads of dinosaur activities and games.

Followed by lunch in Jamie's Italian.

A really really lazy start to our Friday. A breakfast picnic on the living room floor - hot cinammon buns, orange juice, yogurt and berries. Henry loves nothing more than a picnic and it was so lovely to slow down a bit and not be rushing out of the house. 

Wheelbirks for lunch and ice cream! 

Another sleepover at Marmar's meant mummy got to put her feet up, finish her book and watch an entire film with Daddy before bed. 

A lazy Sunday tea at Zizzi

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

39 weeks pregnant

39 weeks! A week to go but hopefully at least 8 days so we get a September baby. Just for the record I'm guessing 4/9/16 and 9lb 2oz.

How far along? 39 weeks

Baby is...the size of a watermelon. And I can really feel it!! 

Weight gain... about 29lb

Stretch marks? Still none, hoping that if I did get some now they'd only be tiny anyway. Fingers crossed.

Sleep: Still good. Getting up some nights for a wee once but some nights not at all. My mum had Henry on Sunday night and I slept for 9.5 hours solidly without as much as stirring and it felt amazing.

Best moment this week? That sleep on Sunday. It'll be another few years before that kind of sleep happens again, I'm sure! 

Miss anything? Not really

Food cravings: Not so much a craving but I've been loving my baths on an evening. I tend to stay in for a good couple of hours and Mr B keeps me fed and watered throughout that time (as well as making the most of sitting on the Xbox without me nagging!). This week I've been loving J2O pear and raspberry fizz to drink and chocolatey choux buns. Really healthy!

Gender: If I had to put money on it, I'd guess girl. But really there are only 2 options so it's just a 50/50 thing and we're so excited to find out now. 

Symptoms:  Nothing major, hips are achey on a morning especially and I can definitely feel the extra weight, but I reckon that's pretty much expected by this stage. 

Mood? All good, excited and enjoying our last few weeks as a three 

Labour signs? A lot of periody type pain this week which comes and goes, plenty braxton hicks which are increasing painful as my bump gets bigger and that's about it I think. No swelling at all still, wedding rings still fit and I still have ankle bones! 

Appointments: None! I'm being left well alone. My next appointment will hopefully be next Wednesday on my due date. 

Looking forward to: the excitement of going into labour. 

Excuse the lack of makeup. Henry and I were off swimming! 

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Our summer holidays - week 4

I can't believe week 4 is over. The end of summer holiday blues are hitting hard, even though I'm not actually back at work in two weeks like most teachers. We've had such a gorgeous summer just at home, following our own little routines. We've been so busy, but not too busy to stop for plenty snuggles and naps. The weather has been decent so we've spent so much time outside, Henry's favourite place to be. He's been beyond loving and good, there hasn't been a day where I've felt frustrated or cross with him, not a day where he's thrown a tantrum or caused a fuss. He's had one potty accident the entire time (day and night) which is pretty impressive and he's just turning into such a beautiful big boy and the best company. I'm so so glad that we've had this time together before Baby Simba arrives. Normal maternity leave would only have given us a week or two, but thankfully a well timed summer baby has meant more time with this beautiful big boy. 

A walk in Causey Woods with Marmar and Parpar too, complete with a little picnic snack and picking wild raspberries in the woods.

Another fab free morning at our OASES park class. This week's theme was environmental art and this little one just loved it.

A peg butterfly, clay pot, nature colours and nature rainbow 

Followed by our usual lunch at Marmar's and some outdoor fun for Henry. We also went to the community centre for the weekly film, The Good Dinosaur, which was really lovely.

A lazy Wednesday morning and then lunch and swimming at Consett pool. This little one loves the water and had a fab time.

My friend came down on Thursday with her tiny 7 week old baby and I didn't take one photo. Agh! On the evening we went out for dinner for my father in law's birthday and I must say, Henry looked super smart in his new Boden tractor cardi 

Checking out his new caterpillars which we are growing into butterflies. He woke up, asked to see them immediately and greeted them with "well hello there my tiny little darlings"

A rainy day meant we were off to the cinema to see Finding Dory.

Followed by Wagamamas of course! 

Saturday morning breakfast at Flat White. My happy place. At some point in the near future (and in our next house) I need a long, solid wood table like this for lazy family weekend breakfasts. 

And Saturday dinner at Akbars 

Continuing the food theme...Sunday lunch at the Pavillion. This little crazy loved the chicken and sweetcorn soup.

Snuggling with his Parpar

Sunday night with no little pickle to put to bed. He pestered Marmar at lunch for a sleepover and of course she said yes! So daddy ran me a bath, made me tea and brought me chocolate. It's amazing what he'll do for an hour on the Xbox with the boys!! 

Thursday, 18 August 2016

38 weeks pregnant

How far along? 38 weeks

Baby is...the size of a pumpkin  

Weight gain...braved the scales for the first time in months recently and surprised to have only put 2 stone on. I put on a similar amount with Henry and it had dropped off within a few weeks of breastfeeding, so I'm really hoping that happens again. 

Stretch marks? Still none, hopefully on to my last bottle of Bio Oil now and hoping my skin holds out! 

Sleep: Really bloody good. Usually a good 7 or 8 hours in a row, still not getting up for the loo really, so overall I can't complain. Need to get all the sleep I can now while it lasts, I'm aware that it may be another 3 years before I get any again! 

Best moment this week? So many lovely days out with Henry, really enjoying and appreciating every last memory we make together, just the two of us (and daddy too on a weekend!)

Miss anything? Lying on the sofa comfortably. I'm a lot more comfortable sitting on my birthing ball but I really just want to lie down and not move from the sofa all evening instead of sitting totally upright. 

Food cravings: Nothing really, but I'm a lot hungrier than I have been and eating plenty of tasty treats while I have a good excuse.

Gender: I honestly don't know. We aren't sure about our boy's name now so I'm hoping for a girl simply because we have a definite name for her. I'm beyond excited to find out now, I really can't wait. 

Symptoms: Honestly none. Except for the amazingness of no spots, non-greasy hair and no leg hair, I honestly wouldn't think I was pregnant. I have plenty of energy, I'm happy, the heat hasn't bothered me, I haven't got the slightest bit of swelling, wedding rings still fit, I'm not desperate to give birth, it's all good. The first half of this pregnancy was hell on earth, but since 20 weeks it's really been a breeze compared to last time.

Mood? Really emotional but happy and excited about what's to come. 

Labour signs? I've had a lot of twinges and painful braxton hicks where I've thought 'Is this it?' and had a minor panic. But other than that nothing that makes me think that labour is imminent.

Appointments: My 38 week midwife appointment where everything was so fine and normal that she decided I didn't need weekly appointments and I was fine to see her at 40 weeks, so my next appointment will be my due date! Eeeek!

Looking forward to: Finding out what we're having and those very first newborn snuggles

38 week pic to come

Sunday, 14 August 2016

What's in my hospital bag?

Last time around my hospital bag was packed for a good 10 weeks before giving birth. I'd read every possible list online and had packed everything that anyone had ever suggested. I had an iPod playlist all set up and a bag full of gadgets like mini handheld fans, Evian water sprays, the lot. Of course I used none of it. Not even the Evian water spray can you believe. And I listened to my iPod for all of about 5 minutes before getting pissed off with the stupid songs on it that people had recommended online when I was just in agony, and listening to Helen Reddy warble on about 'being woman' really wasn't helping that one bit. The one thing I did want that I hadn't packed were mints and chewing gum (turns out that gas and air really dries your mouth out) so my mum had to call in the garage at 4am to pick some of them up. It turns out that mini handheld fans aren't the be all and end all during labour and I felt a lot more confident when packing this time, even though I did leave it a lot later! Thank goodness Simba hasn't arrived yet. 

For me (toiletries)
Just the standard toiletries really. Toothpaste, a nice new toothbrush, anti bac gel, dry shampoo, lip balm (a lifesaver when using gas and air), contact lenses, an empty water spray bottle (no Evian this time), glasses, deodorant, a mini shampoo, and a posh L'occitane shower gel thanks to my mum. It's pretty grim being in hospital post-birth with the bleeding and achy muscles, having to share a bathroom and a ward with strangers etc, so it's nice to have a few treats like nice toiletries to make me feel more myself.

For me (snacks) 
Hospital food isn't always the best and you generally don't get fed whilst you're in labour, so these are a few things I've packed to keep me going a bit. I remember being so grateful for my meals in hospital last time, I felt like they were really looking after me and not having to worry where your next meal is coming from and who's going to make it for you is actually a proper treat, even if the food isn't the best quality. Having said that, the apple pie I was served for lunch an hour after having Henry was probably the best thing I've ever eaten! Must have been the sugar I think. Breastfeeding also makes you absolutely starving and beyond thirsty, so I've packed plenty of high energy snacks for that, plenty of fruit juice and a little bottle of squash too.

For Daddy 
To say daddy was under prepared last time may be an understatement. We really weren't anticipating the 30+ hour labour and the fact that the labour ward was so daddy-unfriendly. He wasn't allowed to use any toilet on the ward (even though I had an en-suite) and there was nowhere for him to make himself a coffee or get a glass of water. There wasn't even anywhere close. Everytime he wanted something (and in 33 hours that's a lot of times), he had to trek downstairs and along the corridor to a&e or way upstairs to the canteen. He's been a bit more prepared this time around and reckons this lot should keep him going, plus a few breaks for coffees and toilet stops downstairs at a&e.

For Simba 
I loved packing this part of my bag. The first outfit, the tiny little vests. A super soft muslin and beautiful blankets, a pink and a blue hat and a pink and a blue babygrow, tiny nappies, wipes, his or her first ever toy (a Jellycat lion. Obviously) and the first of our set of baby milestone cards for the day that they're born. All smelling of Fairy washing powder. Totally perfect. 

For me (other stuff!)
I've packed plenty of cotton underwear - knickers and soft feeding bras. People often recommend you buy paper pants for post-birth and I can honestly think of nothing worse. You can get cotton knickers so cheaply and I've packed older ones too that I don't mind throwing away. Having said that, last time the bleeding certainly wasn't that bad that I needed to throw any away so I'm sure it'll be fine. I've also packed a soft black bra top to wear in case I use the birthing pool. 
A big, dark towel is definitely recommended too. I used this huge pink one of my mum's for a good few weeks post-birth last time and it was great. I have a couple of packs of maternity pads packed but only a few breast pads. Last time I had a whole box and hadn't considered at all that my milk wouldn't have come in during my hospital stay and I therefore wouldn't actually be leaking milk! I have a few pairs of PJs, a nightie and a 'Gownie' which is the greatest invention ever. They're basically hospital gowns which button like normal right up the back and down the sides at the front but ones that actually look nice too. The press studs are great for the skin to skin as soon as the baby's born and obviously for any kind of medical intervention such as an epidural in your spine. I wore it last time and all the midwives commented on what a good idea they were and how much easier they were than a nightie....even if Mr B thinks they're the most ridiculous idea in the world! The last thing I have packed is my tens machine which was a godsend last time in the early stages of labour, so I'm hoping to use that again.

And that's it. The essentials, with a few little luxuries thrown in to help make my stay as comfortable as possible in hospital. It's all getting a bit real now. Just over 2 weeks until I'm due so it really could be any day now! 

Our summer holidays - week 3

Week 3 already! I actually can't believe we have a baby due any day and we're onto our last few days as a three. Days spent just me and my little Pigwidge. Here's a few photos of our adventures this week:

Off on the ferry from South Sheilds to North Sheilds 

Fish and chips for lunch. What else?

Our Oases group at the park. Building dens; Henry's idea of heaven! 

And on the roundabout 

Mum had Henry overnight and I ended up spending the majority of the night in the bath with my kindle and candles. A real treat!

Off to see Mr Bloom in Durham and a nice stop for coffee and cakes afterwards too

Muddy Monsters - one of the best groups I've taken Henry to recently. Open play with so much mud and proper messy play. Giant bubbles too. 

A morning at the farm with our friends 

We've had plenty naps this week. Most of them snuggled up together in bed. 

Lunch at Wheelbirks with our friends who were staying for the weekend. Love that the orchard is quickly filling with apples 

Dinner at Akbars followed by a touristy trip to the Angel of the North with our Essex friends.

Morning breakfast at Flat White. My favourite way to spend a Sunday. 

Long naps followed by tasty fruit tarts on the living room floor! 

And that's it for another week. Beginning to wonder how many full weeks we'll have left...I have a feeling it won't be many! 

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Nap times

When Henry was a tiny baby he was a terrible sleeper (sign of things to come) and I remember desperately wanting him to do more than 20 minutes in his Moses basket so that I could nap during the day too. After a few weeks my mum told me I needed to take him to bed with me and let him sleep on my chest, and it was the best thing I ever did. I remember that sleep so well. I was shocked that he slept for hours, and I slept too, albeit lightly, terrified that I'd squash him or hurt him. But motherly instinct is a weird thing and you just don't squash your baby, you are so aware of them even when you're asleep and you just don't fall into a deep sleep anymore...I think that's part of motherhood, never sleeping well again!
Safe cosleeping then because something I researched and looked in to, having previously been adamant that it wasn't something that we'd do. We went back to bed every single morning together for Henry's morning nap and we had a nap together most afternoons too. I never ever felt the ridiculous overwhelming tiredness that some new mummies talk about, simply because I slept when the baby slept and we slept together. Of course there were bad days, days where he was poorly or unsettled, but never more than a day or two at a time.
And our napping together has carried on right up until now, almost three years on. Not because I created a rod for my own back, as some advised, and he wouldn't sleep anywhere else, but because we both loved it and still do. He will nap anywhere: in his own bed, on the sofa, in the car, at my mum's house, lying under a tree at Alton Towers a few weeks ago -  anywhere if he's tired enough, but our favourite place to be on an afternoon is cuddled up together, him in the crook of my arm, at home and in bed. 
I'm so sad that the days of just the two of us are almost gone. I'm desperately clinging to every single second, enjoying every nap time, kissing him that bit more while he sleeps, lying watching him for longer and taking just one more photo of his perfect little sleeping face. I've loved the closeness of our afternoon naps for the last three years and I really hope they can continue once Simba arrives - you never know, he or she might be more of a fan of their Moses basket than Henry ever was! But if not, I intend to make the most of afternoons with both of my children, tucked up away from the cold autumn and winter weather, together in bed for an hour or two. 
These beautiful babies grow up way too fast and I'm so grateful that I listened to my mum back then and took the advice of sleeping when the baby slept. The housework can wait, as can time alone or 'me' time. I just hope we can squeeze in a few more naps together in the next few weeks before Simba arrives, just me and my little Pigwidge.