Wednesday, 24 August 2016

39 weeks pregnant

39 weeks! A week to go but hopefully at least 8 days so we get a September baby. Just for the record I'm guessing 4/9/16 and 9lb 2oz.

How far along? 39 weeks

Baby is...the size of a watermelon. And I can really feel it!! 

Weight gain... about 29lb

Stretch marks? Still none, hoping that if I did get some now they'd only be tiny anyway. Fingers crossed.

Sleep: Still good. Getting up some nights for a wee once but some nights not at all. My mum had Henry on Sunday night and I slept for 9.5 hours solidly without as much as stirring and it felt amazing.

Best moment this week? That sleep on Sunday. It'll be another few years before that kind of sleep happens again, I'm sure! 

Miss anything? Not really

Food cravings: Not so much a craving but I've been loving my baths on an evening. I tend to stay in for a good couple of hours and Mr B keeps me fed and watered throughout that time (as well as making the most of sitting on the Xbox without me nagging!). This week I've been loving J2O pear and raspberry fizz to drink and chocolatey choux buns. Really healthy!

Gender: If I had to put money on it, I'd guess girl. But really there are only 2 options so it's just a 50/50 thing and we're so excited to find out now. 

Symptoms:  Nothing major, hips are achey on a morning especially and I can definitely feel the extra weight, but I reckon that's pretty much expected by this stage. 

Mood? All good, excited and enjoying our last few weeks as a three 

Labour signs? A lot of periody type pain this week which comes and goes, plenty braxton hicks which are increasing painful as my bump gets bigger and that's about it I think. No swelling at all still, wedding rings still fit and I still have ankle bones! 

Appointments: None! I'm being left well alone. My next appointment will hopefully be next Wednesday on my due date. 

Looking forward to: the excitement of going into labour. 

Excuse the lack of makeup. Henry and I were off swimming! 

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