Tuesday 2 August 2016

36 weeks pregnant

How far along? 36 weeks

Baby is...the size of a honeydew melon 

Stretch marks? Still none with 4 more weeks to go. Hoping Bio Oil holds out...

Sleep: Good. Henry's sleeping well (in with me!), I'm still only going to the loo a maximum of once a night and I don't have to set an alarm to get up for work. Dreading those newborn days of no sleep, feel like it's taken 3 years to get to this stage of decent sleep and it's all about to change! 

Best moment this week? Packing my hospital bag. There are only a couple more bits to go in and they're not vital so we're all set! 

Miss anything? Wearing nice, normal clothes. I saw a lovely shirt in Zara which would be great for breastfeeding but I have no idea what size to buy for post-birth so I couldn't get it. It's so dull wearing the same 3 or 4 outfits over and over again. 

Food cravings: Nothing really. Discos crisps are still going down well but other than that, there's nothing I fancy. 

Gender: Girl. I think. I'll be back to boy next week! 

Symptoms: Same as before really but I am a lot more tired. I've had no swelling this time round, no swollen ankles or feet and my wedding rings still fit fine. I can't remember when I had to take them off last time but I'm sure it was before this stage. 

Mood? Really really excited now that we're a bit more organised. 

Labour signs?: Absolutely none. Hoping it stays that way for another 4 weeks!

Appointments: My 36 week midwife appointment 

Looking forward to: Getting to 'full term' next week 

Please ignore the toilet selfie for the bump shot. We've changed our full length mirror at home and it's no good for bump pics! Hoping for a better pic for my 37 week photo. 

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