Sunday, 14 August 2016

What's in my hospital bag?

Last time around my hospital bag was packed for a good 10 weeks before giving birth. I'd read every possible list online and had packed everything that anyone had ever suggested. I had an iPod playlist all set up and a bag full of gadgets like mini handheld fans, Evian water sprays, the lot. Of course I used none of it. Not even the Evian water spray can you believe. And I listened to my iPod for all of about 5 minutes before getting pissed off with the stupid songs on it that people had recommended online when I was just in agony, and listening to Helen Reddy warble on about 'being woman' really wasn't helping that one bit. The one thing I did want that I hadn't packed were mints and chewing gum (turns out that gas and air really dries your mouth out) so my mum had to call in the garage at 4am to pick some of them up. It turns out that mini handheld fans aren't the be all and end all during labour and I felt a lot more confident when packing this time, even though I did leave it a lot later! Thank goodness Simba hasn't arrived yet. 

For me (toiletries)
Just the standard toiletries really. Toothpaste, a nice new toothbrush, anti bac gel, dry shampoo, lip balm (a lifesaver when using gas and air), contact lenses, an empty water spray bottle (no Evian this time), glasses, deodorant, a mini shampoo, and a posh L'occitane shower gel thanks to my mum. It's pretty grim being in hospital post-birth with the bleeding and achy muscles, having to share a bathroom and a ward with strangers etc, so it's nice to have a few treats like nice toiletries to make me feel more myself.

For me (snacks) 
Hospital food isn't always the best and you generally don't get fed whilst you're in labour, so these are a few things I've packed to keep me going a bit. I remember being so grateful for my meals in hospital last time, I felt like they were really looking after me and not having to worry where your next meal is coming from and who's going to make it for you is actually a proper treat, even if the food isn't the best quality. Having said that, the apple pie I was served for lunch an hour after having Henry was probably the best thing I've ever eaten! Must have been the sugar I think. Breastfeeding also makes you absolutely starving and beyond thirsty, so I've packed plenty of high energy snacks for that, plenty of fruit juice and a little bottle of squash too.

For Daddy 
To say daddy was under prepared last time may be an understatement. We really weren't anticipating the 30+ hour labour and the fact that the labour ward was so daddy-unfriendly. He wasn't allowed to use any toilet on the ward (even though I had an en-suite) and there was nowhere for him to make himself a coffee or get a glass of water. There wasn't even anywhere close. Everytime he wanted something (and in 33 hours that's a lot of times), he had to trek downstairs and along the corridor to a&e or way upstairs to the canteen. He's been a bit more prepared this time around and reckons this lot should keep him going, plus a few breaks for coffees and toilet stops downstairs at a&e.

For Simba 
I loved packing this part of my bag. The first outfit, the tiny little vests. A super soft muslin and beautiful blankets, a pink and a blue hat and a pink and a blue babygrow, tiny nappies, wipes, his or her first ever toy (a Jellycat lion. Obviously) and the first of our set of baby milestone cards for the day that they're born. All smelling of Fairy washing powder. Totally perfect. 

For me (other stuff!)
I've packed plenty of cotton underwear - knickers and soft feeding bras. People often recommend you buy paper pants for post-birth and I can honestly think of nothing worse. You can get cotton knickers so cheaply and I've packed older ones too that I don't mind throwing away. Having said that, last time the bleeding certainly wasn't that bad that I needed to throw any away so I'm sure it'll be fine. I've also packed a soft black bra top to wear in case I use the birthing pool. 
A big, dark towel is definitely recommended too. I used this huge pink one of my mum's for a good few weeks post-birth last time and it was great. I have a couple of packs of maternity pads packed but only a few breast pads. Last time I had a whole box and hadn't considered at all that my milk wouldn't have come in during my hospital stay and I therefore wouldn't actually be leaking milk! I have a few pairs of PJs, a nightie and a 'Gownie' which is the greatest invention ever. They're basically hospital gowns which button like normal right up the back and down the sides at the front but ones that actually look nice too. The press studs are great for the skin to skin as soon as the baby's born and obviously for any kind of medical intervention such as an epidural in your spine. I wore it last time and all the midwives commented on what a good idea they were and how much easier they were than a nightie....even if Mr B thinks they're the most ridiculous idea in the world! The last thing I have packed is my tens machine which was a godsend last time in the early stages of labour, so I'm hoping to use that again.

And that's it. The essentials, with a few little luxuries thrown in to help make my stay as comfortable as possible in hospital. It's all getting a bit real now. Just over 2 weeks until I'm due so it really could be any day now! 

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