Somehow it's my due date, these last few weeks have flown over and I genuinely can't believe that tomorrow is September and we're going to have a baby really really soon. It still feels totally surreal, I still don't feel prepared and can't imagine what it'll be like doing those newborn days all over again but with a toddler this time. It's super exciting but a bit terrifying too. Let's hope this little one doesn't keep us waiting too long now...
How far along? 40 weeks!
Baby is... the size of a jackfruit (what a jackfruit is, I know not!)
Weight gain...32 pounds so just over 2 stone. Totally happy with that at this stage.
Stretch marks? No, good old Bio oil has meant that I still have a nice smooth big old belly
Sleep: Not bad at all. Still sleeping all night most nights without getting up for the loo. Henry's still needing mummy cuddles in the middle of the night but that's all fine. If we all get this much sleep, I couldn't care less who sleeps in whose bed for the time being.
Best moment this week? Getting to my due date and (hopefully) ensuring a September baby.
Miss anything? Sleeping on my front. I always sleep totally flat on my stomach and really miss it. My hips are so sore when I wake up at the moment from lying on my side. After I had Henry I assumed that I'd be able to lie on my tummy immediately but it was a good while before I could. My tummy was tender as all of my organs rearranged themselves again and massive milk filled boobs don't lend themselves to lying on either, but hopefully it won't be long.
Food cravings: Nothing at all. This pregnancy has been terrible for good cravings!
Gender: I don't know, honestly. But I'm so so excited to find out who we get, boy or girl. And what they'll be like, who they'll look like, all of those things.
Labour signs? Firstly I can't believe how well I've been these last few weeks. I've felt totally fine in myself, hormones are in check, no major pain, not majorly tired. We've been busy every day, I haven't struggled with Henry at all (but still super grateful for our two nights off a week where's he's stayed at my mum's!), it's all been really pretty easy.
On Saturday night I had proper contractions from about 11pm-midnight. I timed them for around an hour and they lasted a minute and were around 5 mins apart. I was so sure that that was it and decided to get a few hours sleep if I could but then woke up a few hours later with nothing so it was obviously just a little trial run! I then had a lot of back pain on Sunday night which felt very much like my last labour, but that had gone by Monday! Tuesday morning was odd too, I woke up beyond achey and suddenly felt shaky and sick at the check out in Morrisons of all places, but then felt totally fine again after a nap.
With Henry I had absolutely zero symptoms until I went into labour so it's all a bit of a novelty having all these 'signs' and not knowing what they mean, if anything at all!
Mood? All good.
Appointments: My 40 week appointment went well. The head is now 3/5 engaged, whereas until now it's been totally 'free' and my blood pressure is nice and low still. Heartbeat was nice and strong and we're all set to go. I have a sweep booked in for a week's time at 41 weeks and she said induction would be booked for term+14 which would be the 14th September, a week before Henry's birthday.
Looking forward to: Being holed up in hospital with my baby for a day or two. It sounds stupid but I love the thought of it just being me and him/her, getting to know eachother, cuddling, feeding, with someone making our dinner and drinks and just generally looking after us.
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