Thursday, 8 January 2015

A bloody lovely day

When I started working part time I dreamed of days like today....the reality is that being a working mother is exhausting and sleeping all afternoon while the baby sleeps is generally preferable to feeling like a zombie. I also don't always finish all that early and often have work to do on an evening. I still have errands to run and housework to do, so my part time dream wasn't really reflected in reality once I'd gone back to work. Don't get me wrong, I love nothing more than coming home after lunch and snuggling up for the afternoon with my little one, but the days just whizz by and I realise we haven't really done anything other than work, eat and sleep! 

Anyway today I got away from work nice and early at 12:30 and went for lunch in town with Marmar, Parpar and the little hen. We had Nando's and it was so good. Henry loved it as usual; he's getting to be a bit of an expert at the old corn on the cob eating these days! We then went to Tesco and I picked up some tasty food for the next few nights' dinners before heading home. Mr B was working from home so we spent some time with him before I took Henry upstairs for his nap and I went to sleep too. When we got up I had time to make some salmon and kale fishcakes for Henry's tea before actually having plenty of quality time to just sit and play with him. I didn't do any housework, didn't have any school work looming over me. It was just lovely. 
Henry's been going to bed so well the last three nights. Whereas before I'd always feed him to sleep or more recently, rock him in my arms, he's been going down into his cot wide awake and falling asleep himself while I sit by his cot and sing to him. I'm so so glad that I didn't listen a few months back when people told me I'd have to leave him to cry if I ever wanted him to fall asleep himself. He would always cry if I put him down awake and I can see now that he just wasn't ready. And now, without a battle or any fuss, he's totally ready to fall asleep by himself and we're really proud of him (and of ourselves for believing in what we were doing and having faith that we'd get there one day!). 
So generally today has been one of those days where Mr B and I say that we've been 'winning at life'. It's also Friday tomorrow (my favourite day) and I'm off to the spa with my friends on Saturday, out for brunch with our friends on Sunday and I just can't wait to spend some quality time with Henry over the weekend. Happy days.
Bit of a random photo but it made me laugh. This is what greeted me when I pulled back the duvet tonight! Boys!

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