Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Henry No-Naps

My child is broken! He's had a sickness bug for three days and still isn't well. He hasn't actually been sick for a couple of days now, but he hasn't eaten for almost four...very u like him. Coupled with a really rough night last night, breastfeeding constantly and refusing to have a decent afternoon nap for two days, and I'm a broken woman! We were down to only a few feeds a day, but now that he's feeding all the time again, I'm absolutely bloody starving and thirsty all day. We'd finally got our night time routine sorted and had started having some really good nights of decent sleep, and now we're back to being awake feeding all night. I'm just not used to it, I thought we'd left those crazy newborn days behind. Ah well, these babies do like I keep us on our toes; he was obviously making things far too easy for me! 
I'm off to make a cup of tea, loads of toast and a massive pot of bolognese to feed us for dinner later on. Hopefully this increased breastfeeding might even shift the Christmas pounds....every cloud and all that!
Couldn't help but smile at nap time earlier. No sleep, but some gorgeous snuggles with this little one.

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