Tuesday 28 October 2014

A lot of travelling but we're finally here - Paris Days 1&2

So tonight I am blogging from a rather posh, and very comfy, hotel bed in Paris. This is in direct contrast to my usual blogging spot which is our spare room, complete with a duvet that needed washing last week, a set of drawers that are always slightly open due to a mishap when building them using the slightly dodgy Ikea instructions, and a pile of junk that has no other home.
Anyway I digress...we are finally in Paris! We caught a train to London last night and stayed in a Travelodge at King's Cross before catching the Eurostar out of St. Pancras this morning. It was a really easy journey and after checking in at lunchtime, we unpacked and had a little wander around the area. We have a very swanky little kitchenette in our room - we decided it was probably a practical and sensible idea now we have a little mouth to feed on a morning and going out for a posh brunch isn't a viable option anymore! We therefore decided to visit the local Auchan to buy a few supplies to fill said kitchenette, and had a little wander round the shops too. Mr B and my mum spied some very tasty patisserie that they're going to get for their breakfasts in the morning (not dairy free for me and the littlest one though. Boo!), we bought some very cheap but amazingly tasty wine and we lost Mr B countless times in the supermarket as he lost focus on what we actually needed and drifted towards the French beer and cheese aisles..some things never change.
We then made our way to Disney Village and went to The Rainforest Cafe for dinner which was fab. It was expensive, but you expect that, and totally un-French, but Henry LOVED it. There was so much to see and watch and the food was actually pretty decent too. Definitely worth going to if you're staying in the area and have small children. 
We then came back to the hotel and got Henry to sleep so Mr B and I escaped down to the hotel bar for a quick drink while Marmar babysat. Unfortunately we only managed one because Henry woke up absolutely heartbroken that I wasn't there. My mum didn't believe me about no one else being able to settle Henry at night! He is an absolute angel all day and so easy...but a totally different story at night!! Anyway we still managed one and a bowl full of peanuts, so don't feel too sorry for us.
And so here I am, now blogging whilst trying to feed him back to sleep (mission impossible) and we're all getting an early night before Disneyland in the morning. Exciting times.

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