Sunday, 26 October 2014

A very lazy weekend full of 'firsts'

We're having such a lovely lazy weekend. We've had no appointments, no set-times or deadlines, we've had long lie ins and lazy naps in bed, tasty treats and lots of TV and snuggle time. More importantly though, we've had a couple of exciting 'firsts'.
Yesterday afternoon Henry and his Daddy went to the barbers for Henry's very first haircut! His hair was getting really long in places, and although I loved the curls, I'm generally not a fan of boys with long hair so we've been meaning to have it cut for weeks. He looks so adorable with his big boy hair and daddy said he was really good having it cut; he sat in the chair like a really big boy all by himself. Daddy left his phone at home though, so no cute pictures unfortunately! Here it is all finished:

And then today we had an even more exciting 'first' - Henry's first proper steps! He's been cruising around furniture for ages and would take the odd step on his own between objects, but never more than one. Then this morning he could just do it, he can pretty much walk across the room between me and Daddy and he is super pleased with himself, as he should be. We are so proud of our big boy.

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