Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Writers' Block - v2

I apologise for the total lack of blog updates recently, I'm hopeless. I could blame it on the fact that I never get a chance to sit down, but I do. I could tell you that I've been super busy, stressed or frantic at work, but I haven't. The honest truth is, our everyday life is pretty mundane, pretty average and I just can't understand why anyone would want to read about it. 
Now that I'm back at work we've settled into a nice little routine which wouldn't win any awards for excitement, but fills me with happy contentment everyday. Of course I'd like to be going on lots of wild adventures, seeing new places, doing new things....
But actually there's nowhere I'd rather be every morning than breastfeeding my little boy in bed, listening to the rain lash down and the wind howl outside. I love that it feels as if we're the only ones awake and I can enjoy a brief moment of calm before the chaos of the 'school run' begins. There's nowhere I'd rather be at lunchtime than driving home to my boy; I still get excited as I pull into my mum's street and I love seeing his little face when I come though the door, his chubby arms held out to me and usually followed by panting which signifies he is ready for some milkies. There's nowhere I'd rather spend my afternoon than playing with blocks and toy animals, watching Waybuloo and Thomas the Tank, singing songs and rhymes and cuddling my littlest one at nap time. There's nowhere I'd rather be on an evening than sitting round the dining table with my little family, chatting about our days, eating a tasty home-cooked dinner. I love that I'm home every night to kiss Henry goodnight, I can tell him how much I love him and I know that there has never, and will never be, a doubt in his mind as to whether his mummy will be there should he wake up. 
So there you see, this is the reason I haven't been blogging so much. I adore my very repetitive, slightly mundane little routine, I wouldn't change any of it for the world. But I'm also aware that it doesn't always make for particularly exciting reading.
I do promise we'll be getting out more soon. We're off to Disneyland Paris next week for a little adventure and after that it'll be Halloween, Bonfire Night and shortly after that, Christmas. So until those exciting times, I'm off to enjoy the peace, however boring it may be to the readers of a blog.

I can honestly say, hand on heart, that there is nowhere on planet earth that I'd rather be than lying in bed with this one at nap time. So precious.

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