Thursday 9 October 2014

Boring adult life

Today I had to call out an engineer as our boiler is leaking and I also spent £387 on having my car serviced, new types and brake pads. What an expensive bore off. Very boring adult things to have to do.

Other boring adult things that happened today were a huge Tesco online shop sorted to be delivered tomorrow, an afternoon nap with Henry, a Thai take away for tea and a glass of prosecco with Mr B. Again, very boring adult things, but all things I love. I'm such a simple creature to please these days really. As long as I'm not tired, I'm warm, well-fed and watered, I'm a happy mama! It's also very nearly the weekend, just a lesson to teach, a meeting to attend and I'm free as a bird until Monday. Life doesn't get much better.

How could a nap with this little one not make you smile?

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