Friday, 13 February 2015

Cooking with Mummy

When I was a little girl I used to cook with my mum and my grandparents all the time and I've always looked forward to the day when I could cook with my own children. We tried baking a few months back and it was a disaster, all Henry wanted to do was pull the cases out of the bun tray and put them in to the cake mixture; he did look cute in his apron though!
He loves making bread in the breadmaker with my mum and so I decided to enlist his 'help' whilst making meatballs this evening. He loved it! He loved squeezing the mixture and passing it to me to roll and kept waving at it for some bizarre reason; he really makes me laugh. He then liked watching them cook in the tomato sauce and ate loads once they were ready. He wasn't a big help, but he was no bother either and I can't wait for many more cooking adventures together.

Thrilled to see the ingredients all mixed together! 
Waving at a meatball, as you do.
Helping Mummy

And yes, 2 blog posts in 1 day is very impressive for me! I'm planning on doing a diary style post every day during half term as we have so much planned it'll be nice to look back on in the years to come.

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