Friday 20 February 2015

Half Term Day 7 - Poorly Baby

We woke up this morning and got our pod all packed up and everything loaded into the car before driving to Waitrose for breakfast. We bought the two little ones a magazine and it was the best thing ever, it bought us a nice, long relaxing breakfast while they 'read', scribbled and played with the tacky free toys. We'll definitely be doing that again!!

Henry ate lots of breakfast and then fell asleep in the car until we arrived at Cromer beach and then his mood really changed. He wasn't impressed by the beach at all, was really clingy and upset and just wanted carrying. Not the most relaxing but we still enjoyed paddling and eating fish and chips outside for our lunch.
Poor Henry then slept another 2 hours on the way to Essex and although he was pleased to see his cousins, he hasn't been himself at all since arriving. He's had a high temperature all evening and I'm worried about him; I hate it when he's ill. Hopefully he'll get plenty of sleep tonight and feel brighter in the morning. I, on the other hand, will hardly sleep at all in between checking he's not too hot and timing calpol doses...the joys of being a mummy. 

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